Search Results - chemistry

Are There More Elements in the Periodic Table?

Credit:Freepik The periodic table, as we know it today, contains all the elements discovered or synthesized and confirmed till now. However, the quest for new elements is an ongoing scientific endeavor. Here’s a look at the current status and potential future additions: Current Status Known Elements: The periodic table currently has 118 confirmed elements, ranging from hydrogen...

Chemical Discovery on Mars Suggests Origins of Life on Earth

Credit: Pixabay Just over ten years ago, a robotic rover on Mars provided a long-awaited answer to a critical question: it confirmed the presence of organic material buried in the sediment of the planet's ancient lakebeds. Since then, we have continued to discover organic molecules on Mars, distributed in a manner indicating widespread carbon chemistry on...

The Great Oxidation Event: A 200-Million-Year Pathway to Oxygenation

Studies of marine shales and isotopic data from the Great Oxidation Event period reveal dynamic oxygen fluctuations in Earth’s early atmosphere and oceans, highlighting the prolonged and complex nature of this critical evolutionary stage. Recent findings indicate that Earth's "Great Oxidation Event" unfolded over a span of 200 million years. Fresh research underscores the intricate nature...

A Flu-Free World: Enduring Drug Halts Influenza A

A flu inhibitor would essentially work like a biological stop sign, preventing the virus from using the human body as a vectorDepositophotos Picture a realm where flu is nonexistent, where regular vaccinations are unnecessary, and where we could even eradicate the virus from our bodies if we're already infected. This is the goal researchers are...

Alaska’s Colorful Rivers are Rapidly Growing, and We’ve Discovered Why

An aerial view of the rust-colored Kutuk River in Gates of the Arctic National Park in Alaska. Thawing permafrost is exposing minerals to weathering, increasing the acidity of the water, which releases metals like iron, zinc and copper For the first time, a large team of North American scientists has mapped Alaska's 'rusting' rivers and...

Sweet Vapes: Lethal Risk? A New Study Reveals that Well-Known Flavors Carry Dangers

Vaping has gained significant popularity as a substitute for conventional smoking. Recent statistics indicate that 4.5 million individuals in the UK frequently utilize e-cigarettes. Nevertheless, numerous worrisome uncertainties persist regarding the enduring health effects of vaping, particularly among the younger demographic who have never smoked before. This group, drawn to flavored vapes as a predominant...

Subjecting Coffee Grounds to Ultrasonic Waves Results in a 60-second Cold Brew

According to reports, employing acoustic cavitation results in a delicious glass of cold brew. Credit: UNSW. As temperatures rise, lots of coffee lovers are switching to iced coffee. However, folks with sensitive stomachs prefer cold brew because of its lower acidity, which makes it a go-to caffeine choice all year round. Cold brew is smoother,...

Team Develops AI for Chemical Synthesis

Conceptual art representing ChemCrow. Credit: Ella Maru Studio Developing AI for chemical synthesis is a groundbreaking achievement with profound implications for science and industry. By leveraging AI, researchers can streamline the process of discovering new molecules, accelerating drug development, materials science, and other areas. This technology promises to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and unlock new...

Sodium Batteries Sans Lithium Move from Lab to US Manufacturing

Blue has become Natron Energy's signature color owing to the patented Prussian Blue electrons it uses for the fast, frequent transfer of sodium ions that underpin its claims of 10 times lithium-ion's cycling speeds and a 50,000-cycle lifespan Natron Energy In 2023, sodium-ion battery innovator Natron Energy was gearing up for large-scale production of its custom-designed...

Genes for Depression Can Shape Life Circumstances

Credit: Pixabay The fundamental symptoms of depression, including alterations in energy, activity, cognition, and mood, have been documented for over 10,000 years, whereas the term "depression" itself has been in use for approximately 350 years. Despite its extensive history, there's no consensus among experts regarding the definition or causes of depression. However, many agree that depression...