Search Results - surface area water

Flash flooding: Droughts Need Water, Just Not so Fast

Credit: Unsplash After weeks of scorching heat and dry conditions in the majority of the UK, with drought announced in parts of England, it seems that a big downpour is what we need. However, the heavy rainfall and thunderstorms predicted by the Met Office this week might be a threat. Researchers are warning that the storms can...

Parker Solar Probe Captures Its First Images of Venus’ Surface in Visible Light

Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center NASA's Parker Solar Probe has taken its first visible-light pictures of the surface of Venus from space Surrounded in thick clouds, Venus' surface is usually hidden from view. However, in two current flybys of the Earth, Parker used its Wide-Field Imager, or WISPR, to image the whole nightside in wavelengths...

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Has Taken the First Steps in Decades-long Dream of Mars Sample Return

Perseverance's Mars rock samples may even hide salt crystal time pills. Perseverance rover. Credit: NASA NASA's Perseverance rover on Mars has started its perfect rock collection. The rover, which was created to search for indications of ancient life on Mars and package up product for a future sample-return mission, made its first two effective tasting maneuvers on...

Alaska’s Colorful Rivers are Rapidly Growing, and We’ve Discovered Why

An aerial view of the rust-colored Kutuk River in Gates of the Arctic National Park in Alaska. Thawing permafrost is exposing minerals to weathering, increasing the acidity of the water, which releases metals like iron, zinc and copper For the first time, a large team of North American scientists has mapped Alaska's 'rusting' rivers and...

Promising New Desalination Method Operates without Electricity

Shuqi Xu (left) and Professor Juan Felipe Torres with their first prototype of thermodiffusive desalination. Credit: ANU College of Engineering, Computing & Cybernetics Researchers at The Australian National University have introduced a novel desalination method that mitigates many of the adverse effects associated with traditional techniques and cuts energy consumption by approximately 80%. Freshwater scarcity...

The Impact of Climate Change on the Transmission of Malaria

Credit: Pixabay A recent study suggests that a novel model for forecasting the influence of climate change on malaria transmission in Africa might pave the way for more precise interventions aimed at controlling the disease. Previous techniques relied on rainfall measurements to infer the presence of surface water conducive to mosquito breeding. However, a study led...

Planting Trees in Wrong Places Worsens Global Warming

Credit: Depositphotos On Tuesday, scientists revealed that planting trees in unsuitable locations can exacerbate global warming. However, a newly developed map pinpoints optimal areas for reforestation, which can help in cooling the planet. Trees play a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide, and efforts to restore degraded woodlands or expand forested areas are important strategies in...

Rich Offshore Geothermal Potential at Diverging Crust

Seafloor spreading rifts could offer some of the world's best geothermal resources, according to CGGCGG A groundbreaking and largely untapped energy source awaits beneath the ocean floor, as outlined in a whitepaper by geoscience technology consultancy CGG. Distinctive conditions beneath the seabed offer the potential for more affordable and readily accessible geothermal energy. Solar and wind...

How Waves and Mixing Impact Coastal Upwelling Systems

Credit: Pixaobay Coastal upwelling regions along the eastern boundaries of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are recognized as highly productive and biodiverse areas in the world's oceans. The movement of near-surface water away from the coast, driven by equatorward winds, leads to the upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water from the depths. This process stimulates the...

2023 Declared Hottest Year by Five Organizations

2023 was officially the hottest year on record, according to independent analyses by five different organizationsDepositphotos Officially declared, 2023 has become the hottest year on record. Independent assessments from NASA, NOAA, WMO, Copernicus, and the UK Met Office all arrived at the same verdict. Additionally, the year set various records and witnessed a series of...