Search Results - human

Extreme Wildfires have Doubled in 20 Years

Credit: Pixabay Recently, over 70 wildfires burned simultaneously in Greece. In early 2024, Chile experienced its worst wildfire season ever, resulting in over 130 fatalities. Last year, Canada endured record-breaking wildfires from March to November, and in August, flames ravaged Maui in Hawaii. And the list continues. Watching the news, it seems like catastrophic wildfires are...

First Evidence of Down Syndrome in Neanderthals Revealed by Bones

In Spain, Neanderthals, as depicted in an artist's illustration, provided care for a child with Down syndrome, offering insights into their societal practices. Credit: MAURICIO ANTON/SCIENCE SOURCE In a groundbreaking discovery, anthropologists studying Neanderthal remains at Cova Negra cave in Spain uncovered a fragment of a child's skull dating back more than 146,000 years. Analysis...

Last Woolly Mammoths Reveal New Extinction Clues

Credit: BETH ZAIKEN Four thousand years ago, the last woolly mammoth on an island off the coast of modern-day Siberia died. This isolation could have led to fatal inbreeding and population declines, contributing to the species' extinction. However, a new study reveals that while the Wrangel Island mammoths were indeed inbred, this alone did not...

Iceland’s Volcanic Eruptions Could Last for Decades

Credit: Pixabay After nearly 800 years of inactivity, volcanoes on Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula are reawakening with increased intensity. Since 2021, eight eruptions have occurred, driven by a shallow magma reservoir approximately 10 kilometers wide and located just 9-12 kilometers beneath the surface, according to new research. Geologist Valentin Troll from Uppsala University in Sweden, who led...

Honeybees Can Detect Lung Cancer by Scent

Honeybees’ olfactory systems are so sensitive that scientists may one day be able to use the insects to detect the odors of cancer. Credit: Pixabay Honeybees can identify the faint scents of lung cancer in laboratory settings, including the slight aroma detectable in a patient's breath. Leveraging the bees' remarkable sense of smell, scientists connected living...

Study: High-Fat Diet May Increase Anxiety

Credit: Pixabay Select comfort foods wisely. While stress-eating might provide temporary relief, a recent study indicates that some high-fat foods can exacerbate anxiety over time. The study found that a high-fat diet, particularly one rich in saturated fats from animal sources, disrupted the gut microbiome of lab rats and altered their behavior. These rats exhibited increased...

Scientists Discover Brain Vascular Changes Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease

Credit: Freepik The blood-brain barrier (BBB)—a network of blood vessels and tissues that protects the brain from harmful substances in the blood—is disrupted in Alzheimer's disease. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic and collaborators have now identified unique molecular signatures of BBB dysfunction, potentially leading to new diagnostic and treatment methods. Discovery and Analysis of Molecular Signatures "These...

3D Machine Vision Uses Single Pixel for High Speed and Cost Efficiency

3D tracking and machine vision, as represented by this rendered image, underpins the ability of autonomous vehicles and other robots to understand and respond to the world around them. New tech promises a huge leap in speed, with massive savings in cost, data storage and processing timeDepositphotos Self-driving cars rely on advanced sensors and significant...

Garlic May Help Reduce Blood Sugar and Cholesterol

Credit: Pixabay Incorporating garlic into your diet—whether fresh, sprinkled, or infused in oil—can help manage blood sugar and cholesterol levels. A meta-analysis of 22 studies with 29 randomized, controlled trials by researchers from Southeast University and Xizang Minzu University in China has confirmed that garlic consumption is associated with reduced glucose and certain fat molecules. Glucose...

The Anti-Aging Compound Rejuvenates Youth Indicators Effectively

As we age, the protective caps at the end of our chromosomes called telomeres get shorter and shorterDepositphotos In pre-clinical studies, a small molecule successfully stimulated neuron regeneration, decreased inflammation, and enhanced memory, speed, coordination, grip strength, and other factors. These findings hold significant promise for aging and associated diseases. Researchers at the University of Texas...