Search Results - human

GPT-4o Processes Text, Audio, or Images for Instant Chat Responses

GPT-4o helps solve a handwritten algebra equation as part of today's demoOpenAI OpenAI's ChatGPT platform has taken a significant leap forward with the introduction of GPT-4o. This premier model can analyze audio, visual, and text inputs, delivering responses through a real-time conversation with an AI agent that sounds remarkably human. Unveiled during an online launch event...

Volcanic Ash: Efficient and Budget-Friendly Solar Storage

Pyroclastic flow and clouds of volcanic ash as Krakatoa eruptsDepositphotos When a region finds itself covered in volcanic ash, it's usually not a positive development. However, researchers from the University of Barcelona have uncovered a unique set of beneficial characteristics in volcanic ash, rendering it remarkably valuable as an energy storage medium. We've discussed both incredibly...

Study Finds Pressure in the Womb May Shape Facial Features

Credit: Pixabay Study Discovers Increased Pressure Impairs Growth of Embryonic Stem Cells Critical for Facial Features Development. An international research team examined the growth patterns of mouse and frog embryos, as well as human embryoids (aggregates of embryonic cells cultured in laboratory settings) to delve into the mechanisms through which certain cells regulate growth and differentiation. They...

Recipient of Historic Pig Kidney Transplant Passes Away

Rick Slayman has inspired millions, his family has noted The initial successful transplantation of a genetically modified pig kidney into a human recipient continues to be celebrated as a significant medical breakthrough and achievement, despite the unfortunate passing of the recipient. Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), where 62-year-old Richard "Rick" Slayman underwent the groundbreaking procedure, clarified that...

CRISPR Partially Restores Vision to Blind Patients During Trial

Results from a Phase 1/2 clinical trial indicate that CRISPR gene-editing has enhanced the vision of individuals with inherited blindness, offering promising prospects for patients and suggesting broader applications of CRISPR in human therapeutics. Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) is a rare disorder affecting approximately one in every 40,000 newborns. Individuals with LCA carry a genetic...

AI Could be Behind our Failure to Communicate with Aliens

Credit: Pixabay In recent years, the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has captivated many scientists. Some are now exploring the concept of artificial superintelligence (ASI), envisioning AI that not only exceeds human intelligence but also transcends human learning limitations. But what if reaching this milestone isn't just an extraordinary feat? What if it also marks...

Super-Pure Silicon Chips Pave the Way for the Next Era of Computing

Silicon holds such significance in electronics and computing that it's emblematic of technology itself, earning a valley named in its honor. However, despite its essential role, silicon still harbors imperfections. Recently, researchers have devised a method to produce exceptionally pure silicon chips, potentially laying the foundation for more reliable quantum computers.

Introducing the Trøndelag Man from the Stone Age

NTNU University Museum has recreated the Hitra man as he probably looked: approximately 169 cm tall, fair-haired and blue-eyed. The model of the Hitra man was created by Thomas Foldberg. Credit: Åge Hojem / NTNU University Museum In 1916, during the upgrade of a road leading to Fausland farm on Hitra Island, workers upgrading the...

Robot Hand with Dexterity Can Withstand Substantial Abuse for AI Research Purposes

A robotics firm, famed for presenting its adept robotic hand with Jeff Bezos at Amazon re: MARS, has introduced a robust new model designed for machine learning research, developed in collaboration with Google's DeepMind. Located in London, Shadow Robot brings over twenty years of expertise in robot design and has catered to prestigious research and...

Taking Sleeping as The Ultimate Good Drug

Credit: Canvas There are many sleeping models out there, yet we seem to be missing the mark. It's not due to a lack of information but rather the poor application of it that leads people to adopt any method that seems to fit and use it. We often fail to invest time in understanding ourselves...