Search Results - human

Found in Vietnam and Cambodia Mosquitoes Extremely Resistant to Insecticides

Primal dengue mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti, which have shown extremely high level of insecticide resistance in Asia due to concomitant mutations. Credit: Shinji Kasai Mosquitoes extremely resistant to common insecticides A group of scientists affiliated with many institutions in Japan, working with associates from Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Ghana, has discovered proof of mosquitoes...

Research Uncovers Existing Limitations in The Detection of Entanglement

An intuitive illustration of our theorem. Assume the state we consider has dimension d and is coupled with an environment with dimension k. We use three balls to represent the states, whereas the outer one contains all the states. Quantum entanglement Quantum entanglement is a process through which 2 particles become entangled and remain linked...

Utilize Screen to Calm Your Child Down? Study on Lasting Effects Has Some Troubling News

(MoMo Productions/DigitalVision/Getty Images) Putting a screen in front of a kid is a tried and trusted form of keeping them entertained and calm-- and it works very well for grownups, too-- however as a constant calming method, it might have its disadvantages, according to a recent research. Research involving the screen and children The team found that...

Fusion Technology Is Reaching a Turning Point that Could Change the Energy Game

A donut-shaped magnetic confinement device called a tokamak is one of the leading designs for a working fusion power generator, with many such experiments running worldwide. Credit: Christopher Roux, EUROfusion Consortium, CC BY Our society faces the grand difficulty of offering sustainable, secure, and affordable forms of generating energy while trying to reduce CO2 emissions to net...

Physicists Produce the First Two-Dimensional Ferrimagnetism in Graphene

Graphic diagram depicting the Hall effect in the system under investigation. Credit: SPbU Researchers from St. Petersburg College and their international associates have created the globe's first two-dimensional ferromagnetism in graphene. The use of the obtained magnetic state of graphene can become the basis of a current method to electronics, increasing its energy efficiency and...

Group of Physicists Indicates LIGO Could be Utilized to Detect Giant Alien Spacecraft

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A team of physicists affiliated with many institutions in the united state has collaborated on a paper that discusses the possibility of utilizing the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) to search for proof of aliens piloting giant spacecraft around the Milky Way. They team has posted their paper on the arXiv...

Green Light Seems to Relieve Pain, And a New Research in Mice Shows Why

Tan Kaninthanond/Unsplash Research recommends there could be a "basic, safe, and also economical" way to relieve pain: green light. And a new creature research reveals the biological underpinnings of how it may function. Scientists have been exploring the pain-relieving impacts of green light for at minimum half a decade, revealing an occasional clue on exactly how...

Two Time Crystals Have Been Successfully Connected Together For the First Time

Alexandr Gnezdilov Light Painting/Moment/Getty The wonderful step taken by physicists Physicists have just taken an wonderful step regarding quantum devices that seems like something out of science fiction. For the first time, isolated sets of particles acting like unusual states of matter known as time crystals have been connected into a single, advancing system that could...

Nuclear Fusion Produces Net Positive Energy in Breakthrough Experiment

NIF Target Area operators inspect a final optics assembly (FOA) during a routine maintenance period. Each FOA contains four integrated optics modules that incorporate beam conditioning, frequency conversion, focusing, diagnostic sampling, and debris shielding capabilities into a single compact assembly. Credit: Jason Laurea / LLNL Scientists have produced a fusion reaction that led to a...

Proof Suggests Pandemic Came From Nature, Not a Laboratory, Panel Says

A new panel report contends that compelling evidence backs a natural origin for the COVID-19 outbreak that first walloped Wuhan, China, in January 2020.HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES The acrimonious disscussion over the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic flared up again this week with a report from a specialist panel concluding that SARS-CoV-2 likely spread...