Search Results - framework

Scientists Have Created Current, Heat-Efficient Nanoparticles For Treating Cancer

Nanoparticles accumulate in tumor. Credit: Olena Taratula, Oleh Taratula, OSU College of Pharmacy Oregon State College researchers have invented a way to make magnetic nanoparticles that obtain hotter than any previous nanoparticle, improving their cancer-combating ability. Faculty from the OSU University of Drugstore led a partnership that created an advanced thermal decomposition technique for creating nanoparticles...

Scientists 3D Print Degradable Polymers Utilizing Salt

Texas A&M University researchers are using 3D printing and salt to create environmentally friendly polymers that will degrade over time. Credit: Texas A&M Engineering. Dr. Emily Pentzer, an associate educator in the Division of Materials Science and Engineering and the Division of Chemistry at Texas A&M College, makes 3D printed polymers more environmentally friendly with a...

Smartphone Data Can Help Create Global Vegetation Maps

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Nature and the environment are mutually dependent. Plant growth is absolutely depending on the environment; however, this is, consequently, firmly influenced by plants, such as in a woodland, which evaporates a great deal of water. To be able to make precise predictions regarding just how the living world may create, a substantial...

Learning About Human Cancer From Fruit Flies

Loss of Parafibromin/Hyrax results in loss of neural stem cell (NSC) polarity, leading to a switch from asymmetric to symmetric division.  Credit: Duke-NUS. Researchers in Singapore and Spain have gained new insights into the task of a tumor-suppressor protein in fruit flies that help the understanding of some human cancer cells. The research, releaed in PLOS...

The Spectre, Rolls-Royce’s all New Electric Vehicle

A close up of Spectre's front dash display. Credit: Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce, the British luxury car maker, has unveiled its first fully-electric car, the Spectre. All the features that have established Rolls-Royce as a legend in the automotive market can be found in the Spectre. This electrifying vehicle, developed from scratch, is silent and powerful and demonstrates...

Current MIT System Could Cool Buildings Up to 10 ℃– Without Electricity

The system worked 3 times better than today's state-of-the-art passive cooling system. As the world's climate continues to warm up, the world demand for air conditioning is currently skyrocketing. In 2019, the requirement for cooling drew in 8.5% of the globe's total electricity consumption, equating to some one billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions. As more...

NASA Will Very Soon Test a Massive Inflatable Heat Shield in Low Earth Orbit

An artist's impression of the LOFTID aeroshell. Credit: NASA just recently turned one sci-fi technology into reality by crashing a spacecraft into one asteroid with its Dual Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission. Now, the space company aims to test a large inflatable aeroshell that can one day be used to deploy massive payloads on Mars...

A Supercomputer Simulations Gives us a New Look at The Formation of the Moon 

An image from the super computer simulation of the creation of the Moon. Credit: Durham University Researchers from Durham University's Institute for Computational Cosmology used the most precise supercomputer simulations ever, revealing an alternative for how the Moon formed 4.5 billion years ago. It showed that a colossal impact between Earth and a Mars-sized body...

Internet Cable Shows the Source of Underwater Vibrations

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Scientists have used Internet transmitting fiber-optic cables to overcome a long-standing geophysical difficulty: identifying where seismic sound in the ocean originates. Small vibrations of Earth called microseisms are ubiquitous. Yet, researchers have not had one way to pinpoint their sources in the ocean. An innovative use of telecom equipment has changed...

Physicists Just Gifted Us ‘Quantum Spin Liquid,’ A Weird New State Of Matter

Droplets of silicon, used to illustrate movements similar to those of quantum particles. Aleks Labuda A solid is made of particles that are, more or less, locked in an ordered framework. On the other hand, a fluid is made of particles that can flow freely around and past each other. However, imagine atoms that stay...