Pasadena Restaurant Set to Open Fully Autonomously

Pasadena Restaurant Set to Open Fully Autonomously

Soon, at the upcoming CaliExpress by Flippy, you'll place your order on a screen and witness robots operating the burger grill and fry baskets to serve your food. No human involvement is required, eliminating the need for tired employees to greet you with feigned enthusiasm.
The Flippy 2 robotic burger and fries chef has now got its own autonomous restaurant
Miso Robotics

Soon, at the upcoming CaliExpress by Flippy, you’ll place your order on a screen and witness robots operating the burger grill and fry baskets to serve your food. No human involvement is required, eliminating the need for tired employees to greet you with feigned enthusiasm.

It represents the restaurant of the future where the entire transaction, from start to finish, occurs without any obligatory personal interaction. Robot arms, known as “Flippy,” mounted on rails, will move swiftly between stations, handling tasks such as filling fry baskets and giving them a shake before lowering them into the oil.

AI-Operated Wagyu Burger Preparation

AI systems will freshly grind wagyu beef according to orders, overseeing the grill while Flippy’s robot arms skillfully use spatulas to ensure each patty is perfectly cooked. The result: burgers served on buns with the appropriate toppings and sauces. The entire process is showcased in a 2021 video highlighting the technology.

Miso Robotics – Flipping Burgers

This marks the world’s first operational restaurant where both the ordering and every cooking process are entirely automated,” stated John Miller, a board member of Miso Robotics, the creators of the system. “The integration of these diverse technologies to establish the most autonomous restaurant globally is the result of years of research, development, and investment across a groundbreaking group of companies.”

The autonomous burger station will be situated adjacent to a staffed burger bar, ensuring human workers are available to rectify any errors made by Flippy and to observe the machines that will soon enable fast food establishments to operate with a smaller, less stressed workforce while offering above-average wages.

Robots on Display and Pseudo-Museum Experience to Inspire Kitchen AI and Automation Entrepreneurs

Naturally, it’s designed to be enticing for Instagram, featuring robots working prominently. Miso is also creating a “pseudo-museum experience” where retired burger-flipping robot arms are made to dance for customer entertainment. The company aims to “inspire the next generation of kitchen AI and automation entrepreneurs” – a group that might be small for now.

If my tone seems grumpy and dismissive about this venture, I apologize – but you might understand or even join me after watching the promotional video below. In the video, two tweenage girls exchange text messages like “hey! He is so cool,” take selfies, perform awkward robot dances, and enthusiastically celebrate when the robot tips out some cooked fries. Interestingly, the video concludes with a pair of non-autonomous-looking human hands wearing gloves placing the burger in a box, marking the end of the transaction at the “world’s first fully autonomous, AI-powered restaurant.”

CaliExpress by Flippy™

In a way, the astonishment lies in the realization that this represents the pinnacle of commercial fast food robot technology in 2023, rather than the fact that it manages the majority of the workflow. Undoubtedly, we can anticipate rapid advancements in this technology, and it may very well be replacing human teenagers on a large scale by the time the two girls mentioned above complete their master’s degrees and enter the job market.

Read the original article on: New Atlas

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