Physicists Discover a Groundbreaking Method to Entangle Light and Sound

Physicists Discover a Groundbreaking Method to Entangle Light and Sound

Quantum entanglement, a cornerstone of modern physics, involves correlating two or more unmeasured particles so that their properties intertwine and mirror each other. When one particle is measured, its counterpart’s corresponding properties instantly solidify, even when the two are separated by vast distances.
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Quantum entanglement, a cornerstone of modern physics, involves correlating two or more unmeasured particles so that their properties intertwine and mirror each other. When one particle is measured, its counterpart’s corresponding properties instantly solidify, even when the two are separated by vast distances.

In a groundbreaking development, physicists have introduced a bold new concept: entangling two entirely different types of particles—a photon, representing a unit of light, and a phonon, the quantum equivalent of a sound wave. Changlong Zhu, Claudiu Genes, and Birgit Stiller from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Germany have named this innovative approach “optoacoustic entanglement.”

This hybrid system combines two fundamentally different particles to create a form of entanglement that resists external noise, one of the most significant challenges in quantum technology. Consequently, this advancement marks a pivotal step toward more reliable and robust quantum devices.

Quantum entanglement offers exciting possibilities for high-speed quantum communication and computing. The distinct physics governing isolated and entangled particles, both before and after measurement, make them ideal for applications such as encryption and advanced algorithms. However, these processes depend on maintaining a fragile quantum state, which is highly susceptible to disruption—a key obstacle in translating quantum theory into practical technologies.

Innovative Pathways to Overcome Quantum Fragility

An artist’s impression of laser light entangled with an acoustic wave. (Alexandra Genes/MPL)

Researchers are diligently exploring solutions to address this issue, with several promising pathways emerging. Increasing dimensionality can mitigate the effects of noise, as can incorporating more particles into the entangled system. Since a viable solution will likely combine multiple approaches, broadening the range of options increases the likelihood of finding an effective strategy.

Zhu and his colleagues chose an unconventional route, pairing photons not with other photons but with phonons—particles of sound. This pairing presents unique challenges because photons and phonons differ significantly in speed and energy levels. To overcome these differences, the researchers utilized Brillouin scattering, a process where light interacts with heat-induced sound vibrations in a material.

Their proposed system uses a solid-state Brillouin-active waveguide. By introducing laser pulses and acoustic waves into this chip-based structure, Brillouin scattering can occur. As photons and phonons travel through the same photonic medium, the slower-moving phonons interact with the photons, creating entanglement between particles with vastly different energy levels.

Higher-Temperature Operation: A Cost-Effective Breakthrough

A schematic describing the proposed experiment. (Zhu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 2024)

What makes this approach particularly compelling is its ability to operate at higher temperatures than traditional entanglement techniques. This breakthrough eliminates the need for cryogenic environments, potentially reducing the reliance on costly and specialized equipment.

Although further experimentation and refinement are necessary, the initial findings are highly encouraging. The researchers highlight the broad operational bandwidth of their system, which accommodates both optical and acoustic modes. This versatility opens up exciting opportunities for quantum technologies, including computation, storage, metrology, teleportation, and communication. It also provides new avenues for exploring the boundary between classical and quantum physics.

The system’s ability to operate across a wide range of optical and acoustic modes,” the team writes, “introduces exciting possibilities for entanglement with continuum modes, offering significant potential for advancing quantum technologies and bridging classical and quantum realms.”

Read Original Article: Science Alert

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