Pictures Reveal the Chemical Ecosystem of Murchison Meteorite Particles
Re-exploring a renowned meteorite
Ground braking Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) analysis is being used to better explore the chemical diversity of the renowned Murchison meteorite that exploded over Australia in 1969. The desired outcome of this procedure might result in the discovery of new particles in meteorites and samples from space.
Preliminary analysis of the Murchison meteorite after its finding revealed that it is a carbonaceous chondrite, indicating that it is a remnant coming from the early days of the formation of our planetary system. As the meteorite was so large, weighing greater than 100kg in total. Several researchers have examined the fragments using various analytical approaches to understand the development of planets and the distribution of organic particles to the early Earth.
Apply the procedure
Currently, the group of Leo Gross at IBM Research in Switzerland has partnered with scientists from Nasa and elsewhere and have included AFM to the listing of methods used to explore the meteorite. The Zurich scientists created high-resolution AFM with a carbon monoxide-functionalized tip to resolve organic particles at atomic resolution in 2009, allowing them to recognize components of complex mixtures. They recently employed this to lab-made molecular combinations that imitate those observed in space, such as the organic haze on Jupiter’s moon Titan. With samples from the Murchison meteorite, the scientists obtained the first chance to apply the procedure to particles that arrived from space just a few decades ago.
The scientists created distinct techniques to extract particles suitable for AFM, such as flat polyaromatics and some linear hydrocarbons and moved them onto a substrate for research. From the images acquired, they could identify several molecular varieties, such as 1-propylnaphthalene or pyrene, every one of which remains in agreement with results obtained by mass spectrometry.

A proof of concept
While the research brings no surprises on the make-up of this well-studied meteorite, the scientists claim this serves as a proof of concept that even single particles of a mixture can be detected, opening the possibility of determining rare materials that have been missed in past analyses.
Leo Gross explains to Chemistry World that the team felt the need to reveal this proof of concept to ask for and acquire bigger meteorite samples. The team intends to progress the chemical extraction of the samples, the on-surface preparation, and, additionally, the AFM detection. Leo Gross believes that with the help of AFM, the team will identify particles that are so far unidentified in meteorites.
David Deamer from the University of California at Santa Cruz, US, who has additionally studied materials from this meteorite, understood that pyrene was present in the Murchison meteorite, however just by its fluorescence in extracts or as a spike displayed by mass spectrometry. David Deamer continues by adding that it is incredible that atomic force microscopy enables us to see an individual molecule of pyrene greater than five billion years old, older than the Planet as a matter of fact, which was most likely synthesized on dust particles ejected from a dying star.
Originally published on Chemistry World.
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