Researchers Discover Exotic Quantum State in Topological Insulators

Researchers Discover Exotic Quantum State in Topological Insulators

Researchers at Princeton found that a material known as a topological insulator, made from the elements bismuth and bromine, exhibit specialized quantum behaviors normally seen only under extreme experimental conditions of high pressures and temperatures near absolute zero. Credit: Shafayat Hossain and M. Zahid Hasan of Princeton University

A new discovery

For the first time, physicists saw novel quantum effects in topological insulators at room temperature. This advancement, published as the cover article of the October issue of Nature Materials, came when Princeton researchers looked into a topological material based on the element bismuth.

Scientists have used topological insulators to show quantum effects for over a decade, yet this experiment is the first time these effects were observed at room temperature. Generally, inducing and observing quantum states in topological insulators demands temperatures around absolute zero, equal to -459 degrees Fahrenheit (or -273 degrees Celsius).

This finding opens a new variety of possibilities for developing efficient quantum technologies, such as spin-based electronics, which may substitute several current electronic systems for higher energy efficiency.

Recently, the study of topological states of matter has brought significant attention amongst physicists and engineers and is currently the focus of much international interest and research. This area of study integrates quantum physics with topology– a branch of theoretical mathematics that investigates geometric properties that can be deformed yet not fundamentally transformed.

“The unfamiliar topological properties of matter have become one of the most sought treasures in modern physics, both from a fundamental physics viewpoint and for identifying potential applications in next-generation quantum engineering and nanotechnologies,” claimed M. Zahid Hasan, the Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics at Princeton University, who led the study.

“This work was made possible by numerous innovative experimental advances in our lab at Princeton,” added Hasan.

Topological insulators

A topological insulator is the main device component utilized to investigate the secrets of quantum topology. This unique device functions as an insulator in its interior, meaning that the electrons inside are not free to move and therefore do not conduct electricity.

But, the electrons on the device’s edges are free to move around, indicating they are conductive. Considering the unique properties of topology, the electrons flowing along the edges are not obstructed by any issues or deformations. This device has the prospective of improving technology and producing a greater understanding of matter by probing quantum electronic properties.

Only now, there has been a significant roadblock in the pursuit of utilizing materials and devices for applications in practical devices. “There is a great deal of interest in topological materials, and people often discuss their fantastic potential for practical applications,” stated Hasan, “yet up until some macroscopic quantum topological effect can be revealed at room temperature, these applications will likely continue to be unrealized.”

This is because ambient or high temperatures produce what physicists call “thermal noise,” which is described as an increase in temperature such that the atoms start to vibrate strongly. This action can interfere with fragile quantum systems, consequently collapsing the quantum state. In topological insulators, in particular, these greater temperatures generate a scenario in which the electrons on the surface of the insulator trespass the inside, or “bulk,” of the insulator and trigger the electrons there to likewise start conducting, which weakens or breaks the unique quantum effect.

A clever solution

The way around this is to expose such experiments to extremely cold temperatures, typically at or near absolute zero. At these extremely low temperatures, atomic and subatomic particles stop vibrating and are, as a result, easier to manipulate. Creating and keeping an ultra-cold environment is impractical for lots of applications; it is expensive, cumbersome, and consumes a significant quantity of energy.

Hasan and his group have actually designed an innovative method to bypass this issue. Building on their experience with topological materials and working with lots of collaborators, they produced a new type of topological insulator made from bismuth bromide (chemical formula α-Bi4Br4), which is an inorganic crystalline compound sometimes used for water treatment and chemical analyses.

“This is just fantastic that we discovered them without large pressure or an ultra-high magnetic field, therefore making the materials much more accessible for developing next-generation quantum technology,” stated Nana Shumiya, who earned her Ph.D. at Princeton, is a postdoctoral research associate in electrical and computer engineering, and is one of the three co-first authors of the paper.

She added, “I believe our discovery will dramatically advance the quantum frontier.”

The discovery’s origins lie in the workings of the quantum Hall effect– a type of topological effect that was the subject of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1985. Ever since that time, topological phases have been deeply studied. Numerous new classes of quantum materials with topological electronic structures have actually been found, including topological insulators, topological superconductors, topological magnets, and Weyl semimetals.

A decade-long pursuit

While experimental discoveries were rapidly happening, theoretical discoveries were likewise advancing. Important theoretical concepts on two-dimensional (2D) topological insulators were advanced in 1988 by F. Duncan Haldane, the Sherman Fairchild University Professor of Physics at Princeton.

He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2016 for theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and a type of 2D topological insulators. Following theoretical developments showed that topological insulators could take the form of 2 duplicates of Haldane’s model based on the electron’s spin-orbit interaction.

Hasan and his group have been on a decade-long pursuit for a topological quantum state that may additionally run at room temperature following their discovery of the initial instances of three-dimensional topological insulators in 2007. Lately, they discovered a materials solution to Haldane’s conjecture in a kagome lattice magnet that can operate at room temperature, which additionally displays the preferred quantization.

“The kagome lattice topological insulators can be made to possess relativistic band crossings and sturdy electron-electron interactions. Both are necessary for novel magnetism,” said Hasan. “Therefore, we noticed that kagome magnets are a promising system to look for topological magnet phases since they are like the topological insulators we found and studied more than ten years ago.”

“A fitting atomic chemistry and structure design combined with first-principles theory is the important step to make topological insulator’s speculative prediction sensible in a high-temperature setting,” claimed Hasan. “There are numerous topological materials, and we require both intuition, experience, materials-specific calculations, and extreme experimental efforts to ultimately locate the appropriate material for extensive exploration. Which took us on a decade-long journey of exploring many bismuth-based materials.”

Electrons in topological insulators

Insulators, like semiconductors, have insulating, or band, gaps. Essentially, these are ” barriers “ between orbiting electrons, a type of “no-man’s land” where electrons can not go. These band gaps are incredibly crucial since, to name a few things, they give the lynchpin in getting over the constraint of attaining a quantum state enforced by thermal noise.

They do this if the width of the band gap exceeds the width of the thermal noise. However, a huge band gap can also interrupt the spin-orbit combining of the electrons– this is the interaction between the electron’s spin and its orbital motion around the nucleus. When this disturbance happens, the topological quantum state breaks down. Therefore, the trick in causing and preserving a quantum effect is discovering an equilibrium between a big band gap and the spin-orbit coupling effects.

The sweet spot

Following a proposal by partners and co-authors Fan Zhang and Yugui Yao to explore a type of Weyl metals, Hasan and the group researched the bismuth bromide family of materials. The group was not able to observe the Weyl phenomena in these materials. Hasan and his group found that the bismuth bromide insulator has properties that make it a lot more ideal than a bismuth-antimony-based topological insulator (Bi-Sb alloys) that they had studied in the past.

It has a big insulating gap of over 200 meV (” milli electron volts”). This is big enough to get over thermal noise yet small enough so that it does not interrupt the spin-orbit combining effect and band inversion topology.

“In this instance, in our experiments, we found an equilibrium between spin-orbit combining effects and large band gap width,” stated Hasan. We discovered there is a ‘sweet spot’ where you can have fairly huge spin-orbit combining to develop a topological twist and elevate the band gap without destroying it. It is like a balance point for the bismuth-based materials we have been studying for a long time.

The scientists knew they had actually accomplished their goal when they observed what happening in the experiment through a sub-atomic resolution scanning tunneling microscope. This particular device utilizes a property called “quantum tunneling,” where electrons are funneled in between the sharp metal, single-atom tip of the microscope and the sample.

The microscope utilizes this tunneling current instead of light to watch the world of electrons on the atomic scale. The researchers observed a clear quantum spin Hall edge state, one of the crucial properties that distinctly exist in topological systems. This called for additional novel instrumentation to isolate the topological effect distinctly.

Topological materials

“For the first time, we demonstrated that there is a class of bismuth-based topological materials that the topology survives as much as room temperature,” claimed Hasan. “We are really confident of our outcome.”

This discovery is the culmination of several years of hard-won experimental work and called for added unique instrumentation suggestions to be introduced in the experiments. Hasan has been a leading researcher in experimental quantum topological materials with novel experimentation methodologies for over 15 years; and, indeed, was among the field’s very early pioneer researchers.

Between 2005 and 2007, for instance, he and his team of scientists discovered topological order in a three-dimensional bismuth-antimony bulk solid, a semiconducting alloy, and related topological Dirac materials utilizing unique experimental approaches. This led to the discovery of topological magnetic materials. Between 2014 and 2015, they uncovered a new class of topological materials called magnetic Weyl semimetals.

The scientists believe this innovation will undoubtedly open the door to future study possibilities and applications in quantum technologies.

“We think this finding may be the beginnig of future development in nanotechnology,” said Shafayat Hossain, a postdoctoral research associate in Hasan’s lab and another co-first author of the study. “There have been a lot of proposed possibilities in topological technology that await, and locating appropriate materials paired with unique instrumentation is among the keys for this.”

One area of research where Hasan and his team believe this development will undoubtedly have a particular impact gets on next-generation quantum technologies. The researchers think this new innovation will certainly hasten the advancement of more efficient and “greener” quantum materials.

Topological insulators and other materials

Presently, the team’s theoretical and experimental focus is concentrated in 2 directions, said Hasan.

First, the scientists wish to identify what other topological materials could run at room temperature and, notably, provide other researchers with the devices and unique instrumentation techniques to distinguish materials that will certainly operate at room and high temperatures.

Second, the researchers want to continue penetrating the quantum world since this finding has made it possible to perform experiments at greater temperatures.

These research studies will need the development of another set of new instrumentations and techniques to harness these materials’ substantial potential. “I see a remarkable chance for further thorough exploration of exotic and complicated quantum phenomena with our new instrumentation, finding more finer details in macroscopic quantum states,” Hasan claimed. “Who recognizes what we will uncover?”

“Our research study is a real advance in showing the potential of topological materials for energy-saving applications,” added Hasan. “What we have done with this experiment is plant a seed to urge other scientists and engineers to dream big.”

Read the original article on PHYS.

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