Rust-Removing Sound Waves Can Breathe New Life Into MXene Batteries

Rust-Removing Sound Waves Can Breathe New Life Into MXene Batteries

Hossein Alijani, one of the co-lead authors of a research paper, examines a MXene membrane at RMIT University.
Hossein Alijani, one of the co-lead authors of a research paper, examines a MXene membrane. Credit: at RMIT University.

Scientists have recently developed a technique to significantly extend the durability of MXene, a nanomaterial promoted as a swifter-charging substitute for lithium in batteries. This advancement enhances the feasibility of MXene as a long-lasting option for energy storage.

At present, MXene faces a significant limitation due to its susceptibility to rusting in humid conditions, leading to a decline in its electrical conductivity. This poses a challenge as the rust cannot be eliminated, rendering MXene batteries non-refurbish-able and unusable.

Regrettably, eliminating rust from MXene has posed a considerable challenge due to the extremely thin nature of MXene membranes, which are thinner than the width of human hair. While applying chemical coatings to the material can prevent rust formation, it also restricts the potential applications of MXene. However, researchers at RMIT University in Australia have recently made an intriguing discovery: sound waves appear to effectively remove rust from MXene.

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In a more specific sense, the researchers discovered that subjecting an oxidized (rusted) MXene membrane to high-frequency sound waves resulted in vibrations that caused the complete removal of rust from the membrane within about one minute. Eliminated, the rust, the MXene regained its original state to a significant extent.

It´s believed that if MXene batteries become widely adopted, they may undergo regular treatment with sound waves to prevent deterioration and avoid ending up in landfills.

Assoc. Prof. Amgad Rezk, said, “Typically, materials utilized in electronics, including batteries, tend to deteriorate within 2 or 3 years due to the formation of rust. However, with our technique, we have the potential to extend the lifespan of battery components by up to three times.”

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