Scientists Clarify Role of Blood Cell Mutations in Illness

Scientists Clarify Role of Blood Cell Mutations in Illness

More than 10% of older adults create somatic (non-inherited) mutations in blood stem cells that could trigger explosive, clonal expansions of abnormal cells, enhancing the risk for blood cancer and heart disease.
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More than 10% of older adults create somatic (non-inherited) mutations in blood stem cells that could trigger explosive, clonal expansions of abnormal cells, enhancing the risk for blood cancer and heart disease.

Multiple DNA sequencing techniques have been utilized to determine what is called “clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential,” or CHIP. Still, it has been difficult to distinguish true mutations from artifacts.

Reporting in the journal Blood, a research group at Vanderbilt University Medical Facility led by Alexander Bick, MD, Ph.D., detailed a stepwise strategy for evaluating large information sets (more than 550,000 individuals) that can dramatically boost the accuracy of CHIP determination.

Blood Cancers

By combining genomics, demographics, and also computational biology, this strategy has “refined our understanding of what mutations most increase the danger of blood cancers,” stated Bick, assistant professor of Medicine in the Department of Genetic Medicine and director of the Vanderbilt Genomics and Therapeutics Clinic.

In a separate research letter released in the journal Circulation, Bick and his associates reported that genetic variations in the receptor for interleukin-6 (IL-6), a signaling protein involved in inflammation, spurred progression of “incident” coronary artery illness (resulting in hospitalization, heart attack or fatality).

“We demonstrated how a subset of these clonal hematopoiesis mutations generate heart problems and offered genetic proof that these patients could benefit from IL-6 inhibitor medicines, he said.

“We understood extremely little on how to counsel patients with clonal hematopoiesis when I began the VUMC CHIP Clinic five years back,” stated co-author Michael Savona, MD, director of Hematology Research study and section head of Hematology, Cellular Therapy, and also Stem Cell Transplantation in the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center.

“This new research study clarifies the genetic variants involved in CHIP and will permit us to better personalize the care we provide these patients,” he stated.

As a Medicine and Cancer Biology professor, Savona holds the Beverly and also George Rawlings Directorship in Hematology Research Study at VUMC.


In 2020, he co-founded CHIVE (Clonal Hematopoiesis and Inflammation in the Vasculature), a registry, biorepository, and think tank representing multiple medical specialties, genetics, data science, and molecular biology. The objective: understand and develop new therapies to block the pathological consequences of clonal hematopoiesis before they begin.

The first writer of both papers was Caitlyn Vlasschaert, MD, MSc, a resident physician at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, that was a visiting research study fellow at VUMC last year.

The scientists ascertained CHIP in more than 450,000 people whose genomic info is stored in the UK (United Kingdom) Biobank, and– for the paper released in Blood– another 98,500 individuals in the All of Us precision medicine research study program of the National Institutes of Health.

We demonstrate how large information sets with paired genomic and demographic info can be leveraged to determine CHIP more accurately for both clinical and research study applications,” the researchers concluded.

Read the original article on Medical Xpress.

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  • cumbonguala


    February 9, 2023 at 12:57 pm

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