Search Results - Alzheimer

Newly Found Proteins May Explain Alzheimer’s Devastating Effects

Credit: Depositphotos Despite decades of research, pinpointing the exact cause of brain damage in Alzheimer's disease has proven challenging. A team from Emory University in the US may have found a crucial piece of the puzzle. Reevaluating Amyloid Beta's Role in Alzheimer's Much research has investigated amyloid beta plaques in Alzheimer's, but some now view them as...

New Compound Restores Memory Function in Alzheimer’s Cases

A new molecule that switched memory and cognition back on in mice with Alzheimer's could one day do the same for humans, as illustrated in this generative image Instead of focusing on fighting the plaques associated with Alzheimer's, researchers decided to explore the possibility of increasing electrical oscillations in the brain. They created a molecule...

Speech Patterns May Signal Future Alzheimer’s

Credit: Freepik Researchers from Boston University have developed a promising new AI algorithm that analyzes speech patterns to predict the progression from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to Alzheimer's disease. This approach could revolutionize early detection and intervention for Alzheimer's, offering hope in managing the disease more effectively. Detection of Alzheimer's Through Speech Patterns Nevertheless, despite not fully...

Scientists Discover Brain Vascular Changes Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease

Credit: Freepik The blood-brain barrier (BBB)—a network of blood vessels and tissues that protects the brain from harmful substances in the blood—is disrupted in Alzheimer's disease. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic and collaborators have now identified unique molecular signatures of BBB dysfunction, potentially leading to new diagnostic and treatment methods. Discovery and Analysis of Molecular Signatures "These...

Viagra Cuts Alzheimer’s Risk by Over 50%

Credit: Deposithphotos Researchers in the US, through an analysis of medical insurance data combined with laboratory research on the genetic and neurological impacts of sildenafil, an FDA-approved drug for erectile dysfunction often marketed as Viagra, have affirmed the medication's potential in preventing critical proteins in nerve cells from forming harmful tangles, suggesting its potential as...

Keto Diet Day Delay Pre-Alzheimer’s Memory Decline

Eating a keto diet significantly delayed the onset of mild cognitive impairment Credit: Depositphotos New research indicates that adhering to a keto diet effectively staved off the mild cognitive impairment commonly associated with the initial phases of Alzheimer's disease. This was achieved by modifying the connectivity and communication patterns among brain cells. The researchers propose...

Magnetite Pollution Linked to Alzheimer’s

A little-known and hard-to-filter pollutant has been linked to elevated Alzheimer's risk. The only solution may be decarbonization. Credit: Pixaobay Urban air pollution has consistently linked various health issues, including breast cancer, immune system disorders, osteoporosis, cardiovascular ailments, and dementia. However, pinpointing the precise mechanisms by which air pollution directly contributes to these diseases has...

Viagra use Tied to 18% Lower Alzheimer’s Risk in Men

Scientists found a surprising link between erectile dysfunction medication use and Alzheimer's risk Depositphotos Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors like Viagra are primarily recognized for their efficacy in treating erectile dysfunction. However, a study involving close to 270,000 men has contributed to the increasing evidence suggesting that these medications could also reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's...

Common Sleep Medication May Reduce Alzheimer’s-Related Protein Build-Up, Study Finds

Credit: Pixaobay There is still much to uncover about Alzheimer's disease, but researchers are actively investigating the connection between disturbed sleep and the progression of the condition. In a recent study published earlier this year, scientists discovered that the use of sleep aids to improve sleep quality could potentially decrease the accumulation of harmful protein clusters...

New Biomarker Test Can Spot Alzheimer’s Neurodegeneration in Blood

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A team of neuroscientists led by a College of Pittsburgh Institution of Medicine scientist created a test to spot a new marker of Alzheimer's illness neurodegeneration in a blood sample. A research on their outcomes was released today in Brain. New Biomarker The biomarker, named brain-derived tau, or BD-tau, outperforms...