Search Results - Alzheimer

New Blood Test Accurately Predicts Alzheimer’s Years Ahead of First Symptoms

Clumps of proteins surrounding neurons in the brain are associated with the development of Alzheimer's. Credit: Ozgu Arslan/Getty Images A new type of blood test can spot a hidden toxin behind Alzheimer's illness years before a patient shows memory loss or confusion symptoms. Suppose the proof-of-concept can be further tested and scaled. In that case, the test...

Power of Light and Oxygen Eliminates Alzheimer’s Disease Protein in Brains of Live Mice

Amyloid plaques are aggregates of misfolded proteins that form in the spaces between nerve cells. Credit: Juan Gaertner New photo-oxygenation catalyst targets amyloid structure, enlists brain immune system cells. A small, light-activated molecule lately evaluated in mice corresponds to a brand-new strategy to eliminating clumps of amyloid protein located in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients....

A New Study Recommends Diabetes Mellitus Drugs Could Slow Alzheimer’s Progression

The research found a link between slower cognitive decline and diabetic patients taking drugs called gliptins. Credit: Wavebreakmedia/Depositphotos A brand-new study released in the journal Neurology reports an association between a particular substance class to deal with type 2 diabetes and lowered Alzheimer's disease biomarkers. It is unclear exactly just how these diabetes mellitus medicines...

Suspended Animation Drug Could Extend Time in Emergencies

A drug already used to treat Alzheimer's could find a second use in inducing a hibernation-like state, to save lives during medical emergencies. Credit: Pixabay In a medical emergency, timely treatment is essential. However, a commonly used drug could be repurposed to induce a hibernation-like state, slowing organ damage and extending the time available to...

Five Distinct Patterns of Brain Aging Uncovered by 50,000 Scans

Some parts of the brain tend to atrophy and deform in concert with other regions. Credit: Zephyr/SPL A comprehensive analysis of nearly 50,000 brain scans has identified five unique patterns of brain atrophy linked to aging and neurodegenerative diseases. The study also connected these patterns to lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption, as...

Common Nutrient Deficiency Linked to Disease-Causing DNA Damage

Nuts, seeds, dark leafy greens, and dark chocolate are all good dietary sources of magnesiumDepositphotos If your diet includes plenty of leafy greens, dark chocolate, nuts, and beans, you're likely in good shape. However, if these foods are missing from your meals, you should take note of a new study that highlights how a mineral...

AI Accurately Decodes Speech from Brain Activity

Credit: Pixabay An artificial intelligence can interpret words and sentences from brain activity with impressive, albeit constrained, accuracy. Based on brief recordings of brain activity, the AI can predict what a person has heard, accurately listing the correct answer within its top 10 choices up to 73% of the time, according to a preliminary study...

Protein Pacing Boosts Intermittent Fasting’s Effectiveness

Properly spacing protein intake while intermittent fasting could be key to unlocking even more benefits from the eating planDepositphotos Time-restricted eating has proven beneficial in several ways. A new study from Arizona State University (ASU) reveals that pairing it with a specific protein intake pattern can enhance weight loss and improve the gut microbiome. Among diet...

Head Transplants by Robots Expected Within a Decade

Robots could be surgically swapping heads within the decadeBrainBridge In what seems straight out of a B-grade sci-fi/horror film, head transplant operations entirely performed by robotic surgeons could be a reality within a decade, according to startup BrainBridge. This idea comes from Hashem Al-Ghaili, the Berlin-based molecular biologist turned filmmaker, producer, author, and science communicator, known...

Does Obesity Prevent or Increase Dementia Risk?

Credit: Pixabay Several dementia advocacy organizations recommend maintaining a healthy weight to lower the risk of dementia. However, certain studies have proposed that obesity could potentially offer protection against dementia. What does scientific research reveal about this matter? The link between obesity and dementia appears strong initially, as obesity in middle age is associated with a...