Search Results - Cell

Is the Brightest Entity in the Cosmos a Supermassive Black Hole?

An artist's impression of the brightest object ever discovered – a quasar that shines with the light of 500 trillion Suns – which is also the fastest growing black hole, eating the equivalent of a Sun a dayESO/M. Kornmesser One might expect that locating the brightest object in the observable universe would be straightforward, but...

Artificial Antivenom Counters Various Lethal Snake Venoms

A synthetic antibody protected against deadly venom from a large family of snakes that includes the black mambaCredit: Pixaobay Researchers created a synthetic antibody that prevents paralysis and death from elapid venom, originating from a globally lethal snake family. This advancement brings us nearer to creating a unified antivenom that could safeguard against all types...

Major Advancement Enables Electric Vehicles to Travel 1,000 Kilometers on Single Charge

With just a single charge, you could journey to [insert a destination approximately 1,000 kilometers away] from your current location. Credit: Unsplash. One of the primary concerns in the transition from petrol-based vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs) revolves around the range issue – how far can an EV travel on a single charge? However, researchers...

Cultivated Testicles Aid Fertility Treatment

Lab-grown testicles may advance our understanding of the organs and translate into new treatments for infertilityDepositphotos Scientists have produced artificial testicle organoids closely mimicking authentic ones. This advancement offers a hopeful avenue for research, potentially enhancing our comprehension of organ development and leading to treatments for male infertility. Organoids, miniature 3D organs grown in labs mainly...

Apple’s Updated Guidelines on Wet Phones: What to Do (and Not to Do)

Did dipping a wet mobile phone in rice solve anything?. Credit: Tec Mundi. It's a scenario many have faced: you're innocently scrolling through your phone when, suddenly, it slips from your grasp and plunges into the toilet bowl. Before you can utter, "My phone is wet," someone - be it a friend, family member, or even the...

Human Controls Computer Mouse with Neuralink Brain Chip, Musk Reports

Neuralink, spearheaded by Elon Musk, announces yet another significant stride forward in its advancements. Credit: JRdes/ The first human recipient of Neuralink's innovative brain implant has reportedly achieved a significant milestone, demonstrating the ability to operate a computer mouse cursor solely with their thoughts. Update on Trial Progress Elon Musk, the founder of Neuralink, provided an update...

AI-Produced Rat Reproductive Anomalies in Scholarly Journal

Credit: AI-generated image The journal Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology retracted a paper after receiving reader feedback that the accompanying images were inaccurately generated by an AI tool. The editors explained that concerns about the authenticity of the AI-generated figures prompted the retraction. The article, focused on stem cell research in small mammals, featured images...

ZenRobotics 4.0 Enhances Intelligence in Waste Sorting Automation

The Heavy Picker 4.0, which can sort items weighing up to 40 kg (88 lb) each at a rate of 2,300 picks per hourZenRobotics Sorting waste is a laborious and potentially risky task that people often tire of quickly. To address this challenge, ZenRobotics develops robots designed to handle the job. Their latest generation boasts...

Exploring Tongue Scraper: Benefits, Use and Recommendations

Credit: Dental Vidas. Tongue scraping, a practice involving the removal of bacteria, dead cells, and food remnants from the tongue's surface, has garnered attention for its potential benefits. While some studies highlight advantages such as reducing harmful bacteria and combating bad breath, others suggest caution, indicating that certain claimed benefits may be overstated. Understanding Tongue Anatomy The...

Ultrasound Boosts Dormant Sperm Activity by 266%

Need for speed: This non-invasive technique could help boost the success of fertility treatments. Credit: Pixaobay Researchers have enhanced the movement of slow-moving sperm by as much as 266% through exposure to noninvasive 40-MHz ultrasound waves, prompting their motion. By examining the technique's effects on individual sperm cells, the study paves the way for novel...