Search Results - Cell

Nanorobots Capable of Folding DNA can Replicate Indefinitely

Tiny nano-robots have been developed that can grab tiny snippets of DNA and assemble them into new nano-machines – including copies of themselvesAI-generated image by DALL-E Researchers have showcased a programmable nanoscale robot constructed from a few DNA strands, which can capture other DNA fragments and assemble them to produce new UV-welded nanomachines, including duplicates...

Google’s Gemini AI Beats GPT & Human Experts Across 57 Subjects

Google's Gemini AI represents the next step-change in a wildly accelerating fieldGoogle Google has introduced its impressive next-generation Gemini AI, asserting its superiority over OpenAI's GPT-4 and human experts in nearly all significant evaluations. Gemini AI demonstrates proficiency in comprehending images, video, audio, text, and code, with plans to acquire additional senses in the future. Scoring...

Electric Eel Shocks Transfer Genes to Nearby Animals

A study has found that the discharge from an electric eel can transfer environmental DNA to nearby animalsDepositphotos A recent investigation indicates that the electrical discharge from an electric eel is potent enough to facilitate the transfer of genetic material from the surroundings into the cells of neighboring animals. In laboratory conditions, electroporation refers to applying...

Vembi: Enhancing Affordable Braille Displays for Indian School Education

Credit: Unsplash Blind or visually impaired students in India may face limited book access, resulting in lower literacy rates. The Hexis-Antara solution addresses this challenge by transforming both academic and non-academic content into Braille instantly on a specially designed device, eliminating access barriers for children.  A Special Tool  Vembi's Hexis-Antara solution is a special tool that helps...

Endurance Strategies: Building Blocks of Life Amidst Early Earth’s Intense Radiation

Safeguarding Life's Foundations: Manganese Ions Potentially Shielded Early Building Blocks from Gamma Radiation.Image Credit: IgorZh/Shutterstock The emergence of life on Earth is shrouded in mysteries, and one of the perplexing puzzles is how the essential molecules for life withstand the intense radiation prevalent during the early stages. While space harbors intricate chemistry, including amino acids...

Ideal Stars for Finding Life

This picture shows three types of stars in our galaxy: G stars, which are like our Sun; K dwarfs, which are smaller and cooler; and M dwarfs, which are even fainter and cooler. It compares them in terms of important things. Hotter stars have wider habitable zones where life might exist. Red dwarf M...

Identical Twins Study Supports Broad Health Benefits of Vegan Diet

Credit: Pixaobay The idea that reducing meat consumption enhances cardiovascular health is not groundbreaking, but previous studies affirming this have often been hindered by confounding factors like genetics, background, and lifestyle. Now, researchers have minimized many of these variables by conducting a study on identical twins, comparing the effects of a healthy omnivore diet with...

Immunotherapy Offers Hope for Autoimmune Skin Diseases

Credit: Depositphotos Scientists have found a method to specifically remove the 'detrimental' immune cells responsible for autoimmune skin diseases, preserving the 'beneficial' cells. This breakthrough may pave the way for more precise and enduring treatments for conditions such as psoriasis and vitiligo. In our skin, there are specialized immune cells designed to safeguard against infections, combat...

Gold is Poised for a Transformative Role in Reshaping the Future of Wearable Devices

Credit: StatNano Top Olympic performers receive the esteemed gold medal, symbolizing wealth and honor both in Eastern and Western cultures. This metal, prized for its stability in air, excellent electrical conductivity, and compatibility with living organisms, plays a pivotal role across various domains. It holds significant favor in medical and energy sectors as a 'preferred...

Traffic Jams Trigger a 24-Hour Blood Pressure Surge

An unpleasant, and also unhealthy, viewDepositphotos Creeping along in heavy traffic on a highway, especially when headed to an appointment or, worse, the airport, can elevate anyone's blood pressure (BP). However, scientists have discovered that this BP surge occurs irrespective of external stressors and may be attributed to the low-quality air entering the car from...