Search Results - Cell

If You Want Smarter Kids Teach Them Music, Not Coding, According To MIT

Most moms and dads desire their kids to be intelligent as well as effective. And while some experts have motivated parents to teach their kids coding, new research is pointing to music as the entrance to smarter children. While coding does permit an excellent advantage when it comes to technology, it lacks several benefits that...

The Ocean Colour System Gets a ‘Refresh,’ Permitting More Precise and Accurate Measurements

The Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY) is an ocean-color sensor that serves as a primary reference instrument for satellite measurements of the color of the ocean. Single-cell plants called phytoplankton contain chlorophyll that reflects the green in sunlight, which gives the ocean color. Researchers can study these measurements to better understand the planet's climate. MOBY...

Amazing Scientific Discoveries of 2022

The world of science is everchanging and progressive. Every day a new scientific discovery is made. Here are some of the most relevant this year: Consumption of Microplastics Can Cause Evolutionary Changes After the non-biting midges of the species Chironomus riparius were exposed to microplastics, the genome of subsequent generations changed. Credit: Markus Pfenninger In April 2022,...

Doppelgangers Share Similar Genetics and Habits

Credit: Joshi et al., Cell Reports, 2022 A new study by researchers in Spain reveals that human "look-alikes" who have comparable face features also tend to share many genetic resemblances, as well as also share certain lifestyle attributes. The research, released in the journal Cell Reports, gives some insight into the molecular genetic mechanisms that add...

Stunning James Webb Space Telescope Image Transforms a Distant Galaxy Into a Sparkling Christmas Ornament

JWST's new image of NGC 7469. (ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, L. Armus, A. S. Evans) The perfect galaxy photo The James Webb Space Telescope simply gave a spiral galaxy 230 million light-years away a recent sparkling glamor shot excellent sufficient for the Christmas tree. While the galaxy has the instead un-attractive name of NGC 7469, it has been...

Belt and Suspenders: Alpine Lake Bacteria Deploy 2 Light-Harvesting Systems

Lake Gossenköllesee is located in the Tyrolean Alps. Credit: Christopher Bellas Though human beings, along with other vertebrate and invertebrate organisms, do not photosynthesize, we're certainly the downstream beneficiaries of the life forms that do. Phototrophic organisms at the bottom of the food chain convert plentiful sunlight into the energy that ultimately powers all other...

New Biomarker Test Can Spot Alzheimer’s Neurodegeneration in Blood

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A team of neuroscientists led by a College of Pittsburgh Institution of Medicine scientist created a test to spot a new marker of Alzheimer's illness neurodegeneration in a blood sample. A research on their outcomes was released today in Brain. New Biomarker The biomarker, named brain-derived tau, or BD-tau, outperforms...

We All Lose Our Memory Sometimes

(Dougal Waters/Getty Images You've driven home from work along the same course for the past five years. However, lately, you've been stopping at the same intersection, struggling to remember if you must turn left or right. Many occasions in everyday life could make us question whether lapses in memory are common, a sign of cognitive...

Eye Implant Performed From Pig Skin Reverses Blindness in 14 Individuals

Credit: Thor Balkhed An artificial cornea made from pig skin might end our reliance on human donors and provide millions of individuals worldwide back their sight. The Challenge The cornea is a hard, transparent layer of tissue which covers the front side of the eye. It aids focus light on the retina, and if it is damaged...

New Blood Test Accurately Predicts Alzheimer’s Years Ahead of First Symptoms

Clumps of proteins surrounding neurons in the brain are associated with the development of Alzheimer's. Credit: Ozgu Arslan/Getty Images A new type of blood test can spot a hidden toxin behind Alzheimer's illness years before a patient shows memory loss or confusion symptoms. Suppose the proof-of-concept can be further tested and scaled. In that case, the test...