Search Results - Cell

Design an Invisible Cloak for Bacteria to Deliver Drugs to Tumors

Laboratory Equipment. Engineering an 'Invisible Cloak' for Bacteria to Deliver Drugs to Tumors Columbia Design scientists report that they have created a "cloaking" system that temporarily conceals healing bacteria from body immune systems. This allow them to supply drugs to tumors better and eliminate cancer cells in mice. By manipulating the germs' DNA, they programmed...

New, Possibly Arboreal Rice Rat Varieties Uncovered in Ecuador

New, possibly arboreal rice rat species discovered in Ecuador - ScienceDaily - Verve timesVisitar "In total, the expeditions to the Kutukú region in southeastern Ecuador involved 1,200 trap nights, but only one specimen of the new species Mindomys kutuku was found," claims Dr. Claudia Koch, curator of herpetology at the LIB, Gallery Koenig Bonn, describing the effort...

Fast Adaptation in Fruit Flies

A new study reveals how male fruit fly decides to a court or ignore female – Harvard Gazette. Think development is a slow, gradual process? Inform that to fruit flies. In a brand-new report in Scientific research, researchers from the College of Pennsylvania used a regulated field experiment to reveal that flies swiftly adapted...

Individual Neurons Can Learn by Predicting Future Activity

Credit: Artur Luczak Humans have been trying to comprehend exactly how the brain works and how it obtains information for centuries. While neuroscientists now have a decent understanding of how different parts of the brain work and what their function is, numerous questions remain unanswered; therefore, a unified neuroscience theory is still missing. In recent years,...

Scientists Target Protein to Lower the Risk of Prostate Cancer Proliferation

Prostate cancer cells. Credit: NIH Image Gallery Proteins and prostate cancer According to a study led by Cedars-Sinai Cancer investigators, targeting a particular protein that is often overexpressed in prostate cancer can help avoid or postpone the disease from infecting other parts of the body. The research study, released in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Communications, opens up...

Cow’s Milk Healthy Protein Can Activate Swelling in Multiple Sclerosis Sufferers

Several sclerosis patients commonly suffer extra serious illness signs after consuming milk products. Researchers at the Colleges of Bonn as well as Erlangen-Nuremberg have actually currently located a feasible cause for this. According to the study, a protein in cow's milk can trigger swelling that targets the "protecting layer" around the afferent neurons. The research...

How Game Theory Method Boosts Choice Making

Game theory, the investigation of tactical decisions, brings various skills such as math, psychology, and point of view together. Game theory was created by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern in 1944 and has traveled a long way ever since. The worth of game theory for decision making and evaluation today can be assessed...

A Brand-New Concept to Describe the Openness of Metal Oxides

The electrons of some metal oxides, due to their vast effective mass when combined with the ionic lattice of the material, can not comply with the electric field of light and allow it to pass through the material. Transparent and conductive materials are made use of in smartphone touch displays and solar panels for...

Astrocytes Help Manipulate Synaptic Activity in Learning and Memory

A micrograph showing a labeled astrocyte. Yukiko Goda and her team have demonstrated how astrocytes play a prominent part in tuning the changes in neuronal activity that enable memory formation. Credit: RIKEN Center for Brain Science, Thomas Chater Better learning and longer memories RIKEN neuroscientists have identified an intriguing system for how neuronal activity in mice...

Taking the First Steps Towards the Optimal Production of Biofuels

Partial density of states for 2,3-butanediol with accompanying partial charge density images; isosurface of 0.0075 electrons/Bohr3. The gray, red, brown, and pink spheres are Ru, O, C, and H atoms, respectively. Credit: DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.781001 From Plants to Jet fuel A long-overlooked first step in producing sustainable aviation fuels will start with the ideal arrangement of molecular...