Search Results - Climate Change

NASA Study Discovers Climate Extremes Affect Landslides in Surprising Manners

Credit: CC0 Public Domain The outcomes represent an initial step toward developing what scholars expect will become the capacity to foresee whether a slow-moving landslide will fail and slide downhill. Climate modification is leading more volatile precipitation patterns worldwide-- very dry stretches punctuated by storms that drop large quantities of rain or snow in a short...

Satellite Telemetry Data Reveals Narwhals Modifying Seasonal Migration Patterns in Response to Climate Modification

A narwhal swims amid ice during spring migration. Leaving the coast later each year may leave narwhals more vulnerable to getting trapped in sea ice that stops them surfacing. Credit: Reuters A group of investigators affiliated with many institutions in Canada as well as Denmark has discovered proof that narwhals have been changing their seasonal migration...

2022 Will Strike a New Record For Climate Pollution

The earth has nine years to avert climate catastrophe. However, we are still pumping out record levels of pollution. A chimney from the Linden Cogeneration Plant is seen in Linden, New Jersey, on April 22nd, 2022.  Credit: Kena Betancur / VIEWpress The growing climate catastrophe The globe is rapidly coming close to a current level of climate catastrophe...

COP27: Climate Finance Needs More Transparency

Credit: CC0 Public Domain During the 27th World Climate Conference (COP27) in Egypt, which is now going on for two weeks, climate finance is once again a leading subject. At the 21st World Climate Conference (COP21) held in Paris in 2015, all countries concurred for the very first time to limit climate change with their reduction...

Systemic Perspective Needed for Effective Climate Risk Assessments and Adaptation Strategies

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain The recently published Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on influences, adaptation, and vulnerability acknowledges that climate modification effects and dangers are becoming increasingly complex and more challenging to manage. Multiple weather dangers will happen together, and multiple climatic and non-climatic dangers will interact, resulting in worsening overall threats and...

Carbon Capture: A Risky Solution that Shifts Climate Burden to Future Generations

Credit: EWG. As the most current report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) explains, the 2020s have to be a decade of change. This is necessary to attain the goals of the Paris Agreement. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is foreseed to play a vital role to cut carbon emissions. Depending on...

Exactly How a Volcanic Bombardment in Old Australia Caused the Globe’s Best Climate Disaster

Credit: singularityhub. Some 252 million years ago, the world was going through a turbulent period of fast global warming. To recognize what created it, researchers have wanted to one certain event in which a volcanic eruption in what is now Siberia spewed big volumes of greenhouse gas right into the ambiance. However, there is proof the...

Consumption of Microplastics Can Cause Evolutionary Changes

After the non-biting midges of the species Chironomus riparius were exposed to microplastics, the genome of subsequent generations changed. Credit: Markus Pfenninger It is typically not even identifiable to the naked eye and harbors risks that can not yet be accurately examined: Microplastics are going into the environment in ever greater concentrations and decompose only...

Climate Disasters ‘Block Access to Women’s Healthcare’

In accordance to a survey, disasters brought on by climate change increase the vulnerability of women and girls since crucial health services, like family planning, are neglected during such times. According to a report by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), situations like violent storms prevent access to sexual and reproductive health care. In turn,...

The Warming Climate is Triggering Animals to ‘Shapeshift’

Climate change is not only a human concern; animals have to adjust to it too. Some "warm-blooded" animals are shapeshifting and getting bigger beaks, legs, and ears to manage their body temperatures better as the planet's temperature increases. Bird scientist Sara Ryding of Deakin University in Australia explains these modifications in a review released...