Search Results - Climate Change

Brazil Launches urgent Rescue Operation as Floods Kill Over 78

Aerial view of flooded streets in the Navegantes neighborhood of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil on May 4, 2024. Southern Brazil authorities worked urgently on Sunday to rescue individuals from severe floods and mudslides, marking the area's worst-ever climate disaster. The calamity has resulted in a death toll of at least 78,...

Research Identifies Early Signs of African Humid Period’s End

Credit: Pixabay The shift from the African humid period (AHP) to arid conditions in North Africa stands out as a prominent example of climate tipping points in recent geological records. These tipping points occur when minor disturbances provoke significant, nonlinear reactions in the climate system, leading to a transition to a distinctly different climate state,...

Human Activities have a Big Impact on Deep Subsurface Fluid Flow

Credit: Pixabay The effects of human activities, including greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation, on Earth's surface have been extensively researched. Recently, hydrology experts from the University of Arizona delved into the influence of human actions on the deep subsurface of the Earth, an area located hundreds of meters to several kilometers below the surface. "We examined...

Satellite Data Reveals Sinking of Nearly Half of China’s Major Cities

Credit: Pixabay A recent study published in the journal Science indicates that nearly half of China's large cities are experiencing sinking land, posing flood risks to millions of residents. The research revealed that 45% of China's urban areas are sinking at a rate exceeding 3 mm per year, with 16% sinking more than 10 mm annually. Satellite...

Get Ready: A Huge Cicada Swarm is Coming to the US

Credit: Depositphotos Following North America's recent solar eclipse, another significant natural phenomenon is approaching. Between late April and June 2024, the largest group of 13-year cicadas, known as Brood XIX, will emerge alongside a midwestern group of 17-year cicadas, Brood XIII. This phenomenon will impact 17 states, stretching from Maryland to Iowa and extending southward into...

Researchers Push for Animal Inclusion in Carbon Cycle Models

Credit: Depositphotos Global carbon cycle models usually consider plants, microbes, soil, and the atmosphere but often overlook animals. From earthworms to elephants, these creatures can play a crucial, yet understudied, role in carbon capture and storage within ecosystems. In a new theoretical framework published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences by Matteo Rizzuto and colleagues, a...

Bird Dreams: A Peek into Avian Sleep Patterns

Scientists have converted the silent nocturnal vocalizations of the great kiskadee into an artificial melody. Image credit Depositphotos. The Intriguing World of Avian Dreams. Birds, with their mesmerizing songs and graceful flights, have always intrigued humanity. However, recent research has delved into a lesser-known aspect of avian life: their dreams. Contrary to popular belief, birds...

Sulfur Injection into Atmosphere, Potential Hazards

Credit: Pixabay As climate indicators worsen, demands for radical technological solutions intensify. Yet, numerous studies consistently reveal that embracing forced geoengineering involves significant perilous consequences. Fresh research cautions against the potential consequences of injecting sulfate particles into the atmosphere as a means to replicate the cooling effects of volcanic eruptions by reflecting sunlight. If these particles...

Scientists Boost Crop Yields with CO2-Capturing Rock Dust on Fields

The application of dust produced via "enhanced rock weathering" has been found to significantly increase soybean and maize yieldsDepositphotos A recent study by scientists from the University of Sheffield's Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation indicates that using crushed rock on farmers' fields could reduce greenhouse gases and increase crop yields by up to 16%. The...

Planting Trees in Wrong Places Worsens Global Warming

Credit: Depositphotos On Tuesday, scientists revealed that planting trees in unsuitable locations can exacerbate global warming. However, a newly developed map pinpoints optimal areas for reforestation, which can help in cooling the planet. Trees play a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide, and efforts to restore degraded woodlands or expand forested areas are important strategies in...