Search Results - Climate Change

Global Temperature Approaches 1.5°C Threshold

Land drought. Credit: Unsplash. The pace of climate change is increasing, and the global temperature is expected to surpass the 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) warming limit in the coming decade, as indicated by a study published recently. This research, which includes contributions from scientists at NASA and Columbia University, highlights the growing urgency of...

Discovering Ammonia’s Potential as a Fuel

An economic cycle of ammonia from production to utilization. Credit: Wiley Online Library. As the world strives to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and make the transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy sources, alternative fuels have been at the forefront of innovation. Among these alternatives, ammonia, a common industrial chemical, has been gaining attention...

West Antarctic Ice Sheet Melting is Inevitably Increasing

Credit: Pixaobay New research suggests that, regardless of our efforts to reduce fossil fuel consumption, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet will persist in accelerating its melting rate throughout the century. This impending surge in ice melt is expected to lead to a rapid rise in Antarctica's contribution to sea-level elevation over the next few decades. Utilizing...

Recent Study Reveals Surprising Boreal Forest Fire Effects in North America

Credit: Pixaobay A novel research endeavor, employing a unique method to examine satellite images of boreal forests spanning the past thirty years, has identified that fire might be altering the landscape of the area in an unforeseen manner, catching researchers off guard with its findings. Throughout history, fires in North American boreal forests have typically resulted...

Droughts Raise River Water Temperatures

Credit: Depositphotos A recent study unveils the impending rise in river temperatures due to reduced water flows and increasing atmospheric temperatures, posing significant challenges for aquatic ecosystems, wildlife, and human society. With the ongoing global warming attributed to climate change and the projected increase in the frequency and severity of droughts, a recent study sheds light...

Heat Waves Harm Bird Reproduction in Farms, Research Shows

Credit: Pixaobay Bird populations in North America are rapidly decreasing. Climate change, among various factors affecting these birds, plays a noteworthy role, often interacting with other stressors like habitat loss. Researchers from the University of California, Davis, discovered that extreme temperatures affect avian reproduction differently based on the bird's habitat. Published in the journal Science, the...

Discovery of the World’s First Dog-Fox Hybrid: A Genetic Anomaly

Credit: The pet zealot. In 2021, an animal resembling a dog was brought to an animal rehabilitation center in southern Brazil after being hit by a car. However, this creature exhibited peculiar behavior that raised questions about its identity, it turns out it was a Dog-fox hybrid. Dog-fox hybrid Behavior and Genetic Investigation The animal had a...

China’s Global Leadership Reverses Air Pollution Trends

Maps showing trends in global, population-weighted PM2.5 over (a) 1998-2011 and (b) 2011-2019Li et al./Washington University in St. Louis Despite the concerns surrounding climate change, a recent study reveals a positive trend in air pollution. Global data analysis indicates a reduction in exposure to fine particulate matter, a significant environmental health hazard. PM2.5, which stands for...

Can Smart City Technology Alleviate Urban Water Shortages?

Credit: Smart City. Urban areas worldwide confront numerous challenges, from inadequate healthcare and food deserts to climate change-induced water scarcity. Climate change is undeniably wreaking havoc across the globe, and urban centers are no exception.  It's not just the American West grappling with potential power and water shortages; urban populations face risks if these global climate patterns...

Rising River Temperatures are Depleting Oxygen, Endangering Aquatic Ecosystems, Per a Recent Study

Credit: Pixaobay A study led by Penn State reveals that rivers are experiencing more rapid warming and oxygen loss compared to oceans. The research, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, indicates that out of approximately 800 rivers studied, 87% showed warming trends, and 70% exhibited oxygen loss. According to the study, river systems, especially in...