Search Results - chemistry

The First Application of a Swedish Quantum Computer to Chemistry has Taken Place

The quantum computer at Chalmers with the outer shielding of the dilution refrigerator removed. Credit: Microsoft. The potential of quantum computer to revolutionize the field of chemistry and enable the simulation of complex chemical processes could have significant implications for the development of new pharmaceuticals and materials. Recently, researchers at Chalmers University successfully carried out...

Chemistry Lab on ExoMars Rover Will Search For Evidence of Life on Mars

An international group of scientists made a tiny chemistry lab for a rover that will drill below the Martian surface, searching for previous or existing life signs. For ExoMars Reconnaissance is a joint venture involving the European Space Agency and the Russian aerospace company Roscosmos. NASA made a significant contribution to MOMA, the laboratory...

Branches Of Chemistry

Chemistry is the study of chain reactions taking place in between the various elements and also substances. This is among the significant branches of the Scientific research stream after Physics and also Biology. Whatever around us uses up space, and mass is referred to as 'matter,' which is mainly constructed from the small bits...

Sunlight Converts CO2 and Methane into Valuable Chemicals

Scientists use a blueprint of photosynthesis to produce greener, renewable productsMcGill University Drawing inspiration from natural photosynthesis, scientists have developed a technique that uses sunlight to convert two major greenhouse gases into valuable chemicals for fuel and industrial applications. Researchers from McGill University have created a novel process called photo-driven oxygen-atom-grafting. This method employs gold,...

The Thinker: ChatGPT Receives a Major Cognitive Enhancement

The thinker: A new o1 model, pictured here using generative tools, greatly expands ChatGPT's planning, thinking and reasoning capabilities OpenAI has launched its groundbreaking new AI model, o1, now integrated into ChatGPT. This latest release "thinks" before responding, outperforming both previous models and Ph.D. experts in solving complex problems. It seemed like OpenAI was giving us...

Nanoparticles Make At-Home Stress Testing Possible

Researchers have created a stress detector that could be used at homeDepositphotos Researchers have developed a sensor using nanoparticles that can specifically detect cortisol levels, a key stress biomarker, with greater reliability than current methods. This affordable and easily replicable device moves us closer to being able to test stress levels at home. Stress is a...

Fungus Figures Out How to Steer Biohybrid Robots

A spider-shaped biohybrid robot is driven by natural impulses from a fungusCornell University Autonomous vehicles are often considered safer than human drivers, but would you feel comfortable with a mushroom in control? A new type of "biohybrid" robot is designed to move based on signals from a fungus's nervous system. A few decades of human engineering...

A Simple Method Removes Over 98% of Nanoplastic Particles from Water

A new technique can remove nanoplastics from water – and under pretty lights, it sure looks coolSam O’Keefe via University of Missouri Microplastics have been discovered in the Arctic sea and even trapped in the ice. The Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean, is contaminated with plastic debris, and Mount Everest has also...

World’s Fastest Microscope Captures 1 Quintillionth of a Second

A new electron microscope can effectively freeze time, snapping images of events just 1 attosecond longDepositphotos The subatomic world is challenging to visualize not only because of its minute scale but also due to its incredibly rapid dynamics. Physicists at the University of Arizona have now developed the world's fastest electron microscope, capable of capturing...

For Improved Plant Growth, Simply Incorporate Ground Glass

Cilantro seedlings grown in a medium consisting of 100% recycled glass particlesAndrea Quezada Glass-fragment waste usually ends up in landfills, but that might not always be necessary. A recent study suggests that mixing ground glass particles with soil can create a plant growth medium that outperforms soil on its own. While larger glass items can be...