Search Results - framework

Researchers Link Quantum Entanglement and Topology

Credit: Tech Explorist For the first time, researchers from the Structured Light Laboratory (School of Physics) at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, led by Professor Andrew Forbes, collaborated with string theorist Robert de Mello Koch from Huzhou University in China (formerly from Wits University). They demonstrated the remarkable feat of perturbing pairs...

Study Provides First Evidence for Why we Sleep

A new study has provided the first direct evidence to explain the function of sleepDepositphotos Scientists have integrated physics and biology in a study that offers the initial direct evidence elucidating the purpose of sleep. By likening the brain to a biological computer depleted of resources during wakefulness, they showed that sleep acts as a...

Evaluating Education’s Impact on Declining Fertility

Credit: IIAS IIASA scientists have pioneered a new approach to restore fertility and education data, specifically in developing nations facing erratic or uncertain data sets. Accurate and consistent data is crucial for policymakers to assess how women's education influences fertility rates, especially during times of educational growth and declining fertility, a prevalent trend globally. Evaluating Education's...

Voice Recognition is Achieved Using Brain Tissue on a Chip

Brainoware with unsupervised learning for AI computing. a, Schematic of an adaptive reservoir computing framework using Brainoware. b, Schematic of the paradigm of Brainoware setup that mounts a single brain organoid onto a high-density MEA for receiving inputs and sending outputs. c, Whole-mount immunostaining of cortical organoids showing complex three-dimensional neuronal networks with various brain cell...

Google’s Gemini AI Beats GPT & Human Experts Across 57 Subjects

Google's Gemini AI represents the next step-change in a wildly accelerating fieldGoogle Google has introduced its impressive next-generation Gemini AI, asserting its superiority over OpenAI's GPT-4 and human experts in nearly all significant evaluations. Gemini AI demonstrates proficiency in comprehending images, video, audio, text, and code, with plans to acquire additional senses in the future. Scoring...

Fluid-Like Electricity Flow: Low Quantum Noise in Strange Metal

The electrical current in this substance exhibits characteristics akin to the fluid dynamics of a liquid.Credit: Maxim Studio/Shutterstock Researchers have successfully constructed nanowires featuring a precise 1:2:2 ratio of ytterbium, rhodium, and silicon (YbRh2Si2), revealing an intriguing phase of matter known as the "strange metal." This quantum material defies conventional expectations, particularly regarding the unique behavior exhibited...

Quest for Fractionalization in Condensed Matter Physics

Wannier states and schematic phase diagram. (a) Wannier states and a typical moiré pattern. The yellow and green blobs schematically represent the shape of Wannier orbitals on the BA and AB sublattices, respectively. (b) Schematic representation of the six-phase registry of AB-BA sites. The vertices of the triangle correspond to the three charge lobes. (c) Proposed phase...

Efficient Wireless Data and Energy Transfer System Discovered

Credit: Unsplash. Scientists improve wireless transfer. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoTs) combines wireless sensors, controllers, and mobile tech to enhance industrial processes. It uses small battery-powered devices, intensifying the demand for a robust network to handle data and power in IIoT monitoring. Scientists improve wireless transfer: Wireless power transfer In this context, wireless power transfer is a...

Why Our Skin Feels ‘Tight’ After Using Facial Cleanser

Stanford’s study reveals the mechanics behind skin sensations post-cleansing and moisturizing, offering insights for improved skincare product development and potential applications in wearable tech communication. Credit: iStock Researchers from Stanford University have revealed the process responsible for the sensation of skin tightness that occurs after cleansing and the subsequent relief provided by moisturizing. Their findings,...

New Rare Gene Discovery Sheds Light on Male Baldness

New research has identified rare genetic variants associated with male pattern hair loss. Credit: Pixaobay A recent research endeavor has pinpointed uncommon genetic variations linked to male pattern baldness, including two previously unknown ones. Beyond expanding our comprehension of this condition, these discoveries hold the potential to open the door to personalized treatment approaches. Androgenetic alopecia,...