Search Results - framework

“Garbatrage” Transforms Electronic Waste into Valuable Prototyping Resources

Credit: Cornell Chronicle E-waste into prototypes. Ilan Mandel, a robotics researcher and builder at Cornell University, found himself puzzled by a seemingly illogical situation: how could a brand-new hoverboard cost less than the individual parts needed to build it? This discrepancy led him to contemplate the challenges of designing and prototyping, where finished products are...

Citi Unveils Blockchain Powered Token Service

The Citibank logo. Credit: Banking Dive. Citi has unveiled a new token service harnessing blockchain technology to provide digital asset solutions to its institutional clients. The bank made this announcement on Monday. Citi Token Services: Revolutionizing Digital Asset Solutions The newly introduced service, Citi Token Services, can convert clients' deposits into digital tokens, which can be utilized...

The Key to Preventing Future Pandemics May Lie in the Study of Bat Physiology

Credit: Pixaobay Being the sole mammal capable of genuine flight, bats have developed a range of distinctive traits that enable their bodies to adapt to the physical demands of nocturnal flapping. Having a resilient physique reduces the likelihood of infections causing significant harm. For species like us, lacking such robust immune systems, possessing the ability to...

AI: 2023’s Dominant Tech Merely a decade ago, few machines could consistently offer language or image recognition. Presently, machines have surpassed human performance in numerous tasks. Recent months have showcased advancements in AI skills that have surprised skeptics, referred to by some as a "golden decade." Moving into 2023 and beyond, we anticipate further emergence of such...

Teamwork Boosts Discretionary Efforts in White US Employees

The findings set the stage for further research that could inform employers’ initiatives to boost worker effort. Credit: Pixaobay According to a study analyzing over 5,000 individuals, working in teams was found to be connected to a higher likelihood of women and white men putting in extra effort at work. However, the relationship between job...

Climate Change May Disrupt Future Solar Generation, According to Modeling

Eventos disruptivos de geração solar, chamados rampas, mudarão significativamente no futuro. Credit: Pixaobay The stability of grid-connected solar power systems in Australia's renewable energy transition should take into account the potential impact of climate change, which may affect their future performance. Modeling conducted by researchers at UNSW Sydney indicates that disruptive solar generation events, known as...

Researcher Upends Basic Construction Rule

Regardless of the similarities, the hanging chain and its inverted arch are two incompatible structural systems. Researcher upends basic construction rule. An Aston University researcher challenged a long-standing construction rule. For centuries, engineers have referred to a hanging chain as an analogy to explain the stability of masonry arches. According to Robert Hooke's...

A Recent Study Finds Deficiencies in Maternal Immunization Data Sets

pregnant woman with her doctor in the clinic. Credit: unplah A University of Canterbury expert in geospatial and population health has conducted research revealing deficiencies in the countrywide data that monitors rates of immunization among mothers. Dr. Matt Hobbs Dr. Matt Hobbs, a Health Senior Lecturer and co-director of the GeoHealth Laboratory at the University...

Study Says AI Data Contaminates Vital Human Input

Credit: Unsplash. In the early 2000s, Jeff Bezos introduced the concept of mechanical turks, which involved hiring remote workers for menial tasks that computers found challenging. These workers were often paid low wages and collaborated with numerous others to complete small portions of larger computer projects. Bezos coined the term "artificial intelligence" to describe this fusion...

New Method Could Help Get To Cheap Hydrogen

Using a PEM electrolyzer, the researchers create hydrogen in the laboratory. Credit: Eduardo Gracia Researchers at Umeå University have made a breakthrough that could make hydrogen, a carbon dioxide (CO2)-free fuel, more affordable. The team has created a new method to increase the production of hydrogen gas from water and electricity, a process critical to...