Search Results - human

Chimpanzees use Rapid Gestures, Much Like Human Conversations

Credit: Pixabay When people converse, they quickly take turns speaking and sometimes interrupt each other. Researchers who have compiled the largest dataset of chimpanzee "conversations" have discovered that chimps also communicate using gestures in a similarly rapid manner. These findings, reported on July 22 in Current Biology, reveal that chimpanzees follow a rapid-fire pattern similar...

Mouse Model with Human Immune System

credit: pixabay For the first time, researchers have successfully engineered a mouse with a completely functional human immune system and a human-like gut microbiome. Consequently, this groundbreaking 'humanized' mouse model eliminates much of the uncertainty in medical research and, furthermore, has the potential to revolutionize drug testing and the understanding of disease mechanisms. Achievement in Genetic...

World AI Conference: US and China Agree Humanity Comes First

China has released official guidelines for AI governance, calling for international cooperationCredit: Depositphotos At this year’s World AI Conference, China unveiled the Shanghai Declaration on Global AI Governance, outlining official guidelines that urge nations to collaborate in ensuring that the primary focus of global AI development is the benefit of humanity. In his 1942 short...

Agility’s Humanoid Robots have Begun Working with Spanx

Digit, by Agility Robotics, is the first humanoid bot to be deployed at a customer siteGXO/Agility Robotics A fleet of Digits, the 5-ft 9-in bipedal robots developed by Agility Robotics, is now operational in a Connecticut Spanx factory, transporting totes. This marks the first Robots-as-a-Service (RaaS) deployment of humanoid robots. Following a successful proof-of-concept pilot...

Robotic Faces Covered with Living Human Skin

Smile, new robotics technology is on its way!©2024 Takeuchi et al. CC-BY-ND In a groundbreaking and slightly unsettling development, scientists have created a technique to attach living human skin to robotic faces. Beyond its sci-fi implications, this technology has practical potential. Two years ago, Professor Shoji Takeuchi and his team at the University of Tokyo achieved...

GR-1 Humanoid Uses Multi-Camera Vision

"With our pure vision solution, GR-1 is poised to play a pivotal role in diverse applications such as medical rehabilitation, family services, reception and guidance, security inspection, emergency rescue, and industrial manufacturing," said Fourier's Roger CaiFourier Intelligence Fourier Intelligence's engineers opted for a vision-only approach with their sleek GR-1 general-purpose humanoid, foregoing a full suite...

Autonomous Humanoid Robot Shadow-Boxes with Limited Kung Fu Proficiency

The HumanPlus, with a 0-0 record, lands a 1, 2 left, right punchStanford Humanplus Researchers at Stanford University's lab adapted a Unitree H1 humanoid robot, equipping it with modifications and employing a webcam to mimic human movements. This training method enables the robot, named HumanPlus, to autonomously perform tasks typically undertaken by humans, including chores...

Video: Humanoid Driver Prepares for Robotaxi Era

Researchers from the University of Tokyo's Jouhou System Kougaku Lab trained the Musashi humanoid to drive a car like a human... sort ofKento Kawaharazuka et al Japanese researchers have shared video of Musashi, a humanoid robot, seated in the driver's position of an electric micro-car, exploring potential advancements in autonomous vehicle technology. Today's drive for autonomous...

Study Shows Elephants use Names for each Other, Like Humans

Credit: Pixabay Researchers at Colorado State University have found that elephants respond to being called by name, using name-like calls to address each other. This behavior, observed in wild African elephants, represents a unique ability among nonhuman animals, according to a new study in Nature Ecology and Evolution. Researchers from CSU, Save the Elephants, and ElephantVoices...

How does a Small Fern Has Genome 50x Larger Than Humans

A small fern, found only on a few Pacific islands, contains over 100 meters of DNA in each cell, more than any known organism. "The fern, known as Tmesipteris oblanceolata, has round structures that produce spores", says Oriane Hidalgo. A printed version of the entire human genome would fill 220 large books. However, printing the...