Search Results - human

The Elusive Planet Mercury Spotted at its ‘Greatest Elongation’ from the Sun

See Venus and the first-quarter moon, as well! Mercury, Venus and the first-quarter moon — along with the stars Spica and Arcturus — will appear to form a straight line in the evening sky on Sept. 13, 2021. This sky map shows the view from New York City at approximately 7 p.m. local time. Credit: SkySafari app Mercury...

Project Hail Mary Review: Andy Dam invokes a Brand-new Tale of Space Danger

Astronaut reaching for a light. Credit: Andy Buchanan / Alamy Clare Wilson, a medical reporter, says that she has been a fan of apocalyptic sci-fi since her teenage years. She was hooked by the 1950s classic The Day of the Triffids by UK author John Wyndham. Instead of discouraging her, the COVID-19 pandemic fed her...

The Life and Death of Our Solar System: The Stardust Genesis

How did it all start? This image maps the cooler infrared emission from interstellar dust found throughout the interstellar medium. NASA/JPL-Caltech As humanity has rolled in beyond into space, we have come to learn a great deal even more concerning the lifecycle of the solar system. From a collapsing cloud of gas into an all-new star to an...

A Statistical Fix for Archeology Dating Problems

Archaeologists have long had dating trouble. The radiocarbon evaluation is commonly utilized to reconstruct previous human demographic changes counts on an approach easily manipulated by radiocarbon calibration curves and measurement uncertainty. And there's never been a statistical fix that functions until now. "Nobody has systematically checked out the problem or demonstrated how you can statistically...

Novel Method Forecasts if COVID-19 Clinical Tests Will Fail or be Successful

Studies to develop drugs, vaccines, devices, and repurposed drugs are urgently needed to win the battle against COVID-19. Randomized clinical trials are used to supply evidence of safety and efficacy and better understand this new and evolving virus. Since July 15, over 6,180 COVID-19 clinical trials have been registered through, the United States...

Allowing Cells to Talk to Computers

University of Washington and Microsoft researchers have introduced a new class of reporter proteins that can be directly read by a commercially available nanopore sensing device. Raw nanopore signals stream from the MinION device, which contains an array of hundreds of nanopore sensors. Each color represents data from an individual nanopore. The team uses...

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Has Taken the First Steps in Decades-long Dream of Mars Sample Return

Perseverance's Mars rock samples may even hide salt crystal time pills. Perseverance rover. Credit: NASA NASA's Perseverance rover on Mars has started its perfect rock collection. The rover, which was created to search for indications of ancient life on Mars and package up product for a future sample-return mission, made its first two effective tasting maneuvers on...

NASA Wishes to Intentionally Smash a Spacecraft Right into an Asteroid

Like a golf cart relocating at 15,000 miles per hour slamming into the side of a football stadium.' It would have been good if the dinosaurs had a space program. They did not, but some may claim a space program that cannot protect its people from space-based dangers, like colossal asteroids, was not that terrific, after...

A New 3D-Printed Sensor Can Detect Glyphosate in Drinks

Engineers tested the sensor device on samples of orange juice that they spiked with glyphosate for the study.Credit: BOB HUBNER, WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY A recently developed, cheap sensing unit can spot and accurately measure the amount of the commonly used and contentious herbicide glyphosate in droplets of fluid in a lab examination. Washington State University (WSU)...

Nature-Inspired Sustainable Water Treatment System

Students from Monash Chemical Engineering developed a sustainable, autonomous water treatment system that eliminates persistent organic pollutants from industrial wastewater using nature's natural water treatment cycle as inspiration.  The unique Stand Alone Sunflow System (SASS) - developed by Ph.D. students Mostafa Dehghani and Mahdi Naseri, and also undergraduate student Clare Carew - utilizes conveniently accessible as...