Search Results - hydrogen

New Telescope Instruments Will Investigate the Universe For Water

Credit: Pexels Since water plays a crucial role in supporting life forms based on carbon, scientists actively search for it when exploring the potential for extraterrestrial life. This includes investigating other planets through probes and using space-based telescopes to observe the cosmos. Detecting water from Earth-based instruments is considerably challenging. However, recently developed water-detecting receivers,...

Research Suggests Cleaner Air May Be Possible with a Cold Catalytic Converter

Credit: Pexels The exhaust system of a car includes a component known as a three-way catalytic converter, which is comprised of costly materials and functions optimally within a specific temperature range of several hundred degrees Celsius. As described in a journal article in Science, a team of scientists led by Emiel Hensen has demonstrated that modifying...

Hackers Install Malware Instead of Promised AI

Tech titan Meta says it expects hackers and other malicous actors online to begin using generative artificial intelligence to scale up attacks. Credit: W&V. On Wednesday, the social media giant Meta, which is the parent company of popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, warned that hackers exploit the popularity and potential of generative...

SpaceX's Starship - the vehicle that will take humans to mars

Starship Mankind’s Interplanetary Vehicle

SpaceX's Starship. Credit: SpaceX Unless you have been extremely busy, you must have heard of SpaceX's Starship fully assembled test flight. Despite the fact that the test did not go as planned, there are good lessons to take from it. It is important to notice that such an event is still a landmark for humanity,...

The First Application of a Swedish Quantum Computer to Chemistry has Taken Place

The quantum computer at Chalmers with the outer shielding of the dilution refrigerator removed. Credit: Microsoft. The potential of quantum computer to revolutionize the field of chemistry and enable the simulation of complex chemical processes could have significant implications for the development of new pharmaceuticals and materials. Recently, researchers at Chalmers University successfully carried out...

A Recently Discovered Type of Salty Ice Can Feed On the Surface Area of Extraterrestrial Moons

Jupiter's moons,also called Europa, have thrilling red streaks all over it´s surface. Scientists believe it's a frozen blend of water and salts, (like salty ice). Its chemical mark is unknown considering that it has no recognized substance on earth. Researchers discovered two new crystals made from water and table salt at low temperatures, below about...

New Synthetic Porphyrin as a Double Antidote Against Fire Gas Poisoning

Credit: biology dictionary. The dangers of building fires are well-known, with highly toxic gases such as carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) posing a significant threat to human life. Unfortunately, there has been no effective therapeutic approach to treat simultaneous CO and HCN poisoning, making it a major challenge in emergency medicine. Fighting against gas...

Planetary Scientist Argues for Sending a Dedicated Probe to Uranus

A panel of experts thinks that Nasa should send a spacecraft to Uranus Credito: NASA Kathleen Mandt Kathleen Mandt, a planetary scientist at Johns Hopkins College's Applied Physics Research laboratory. In her Perspectives piece published in the journal Science, Kathleen Mandt highlights the scientific value of a dedicated Uranus probe. Uranus, one of the...

Toxic Chemicals Launched in the Ohio Train Derailment Are Scary

Credit: The guardian. The Norfolk Southern train derailment near East Palestine, Ohio on February 3, posed significant challenges beyond the strewn cars and ensuing fire. The most pressing concern was the 20 cars out of the 50 that derailed, which were carrying hazardous and toxic chemicals. We currently know about those toxic chemicals Following the Ohio train...

Using Minnesota Rocks To Illustrate How An Atmosphere Could Have Formed On Mars

Comparison between (proto-)serpentinites of the Duluth Complex and available samples from Mars. Credit: Science Advances (2023). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.add8472 A pair of researchers, hailing respectively from the University of Calgary in Canada and the University of Cambridge in the UK, have found that analyzing rocks from Duluth, Minnesota, may yield understanding about the development of the ancient atmosphere...