Search Results - solar

5 Reasons to Halt Biomass Imports for Bioenergy

Incorrect way of using biomass for energy generation. Co-authored by Rita Frost, this post delves into the environmental impacts of biomass. Whether using wood or fossil fuels for energy, both contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and exacerbate climate change. The practice of importing biomass or fossil fuels for energy production has significant consequences for climate change...

Recent Image Unveils the Mysteries Surrounding the Formation of Planets

At the center of this image is the young star V960 Mon, located over 5000 light-years away in the constellation Monoceros. Dusty material with potential to form planets surrounds the star. Observations obtained using the Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch (SPHERE - instrument on ESO’s VLT (, represented in yellow in this image, show...

The Petroleum and Gas Drilling Engineer, Talks about Renewable Energy

"I believe that renewable energies are the solution to climate problems. Human irresponsibility, through less environmentally-friendly practices and the emission of harmful gases, is the root cause of the climate changes occurring worldwide"- Verônica Choconeza Verônica Choconeza Startup Nzolani Renewable CEO,Veronica. Veronica Choconesa is an engineer who works with drilling for oil and gas. She cares a...

South Africa’s Power Crisis Will Persist Until 2025

South Africa's power crisis will persist until 2025, with blackouts phasing out in 5 years. South Africa is facing a severe electricity crisis with increasing enforced power cuts, leaving people without electricity for up to 10 hours a day. The root cause is the frequent breakdowns in the country's aging coal power plants, which...

Granite Discovery Indicates Moon is More Similar to Earth Than We Believed

Credit: unplah By utilizing microwave instruments to examine the depths of the Moon's far side, scientists have identified a significant subsurface granite formation referred to as a "hotspot." This discovery implies that the Moon possesses greater similarities to Earth than what was previously assumed. Granite formations are typically found on Earth as a result of the...

New Telescope Instruments Will Investigate the Universe For Water

Credit: Pexels Since water plays a crucial role in supporting life forms based on carbon, scientists actively search for it when exploring the potential for extraterrestrial life. This includes investigating other planets through probes and using space-based telescopes to observe the cosmos. Detecting water from Earth-based instruments is considerably challenging. However, recently developed water-detecting receivers,...

Indonesia Seeks Australia’s Help in Becoming a Global EV and Battery Supplier

Credit: Michael Fousert/ unplash. Australia and Indonesia are strengthening their economic collaboration, leveraging their respective strengths in the clean energy transition. Indonesia is emerging as a manufacturer of electric vehicles and their accompanying batteries, while Australia possesses the necessary lithium reserves to support Indonesia's endeavors in this field. During the visit of Indonesian President Joko "Jokowi"...

Electrochemical Device Captures Carbon Dioxide at the Flick of a Switch

A ground-breaking innovation created by Rice University engineers has the potential to drastically lower the price of carbon dioxide capture from various emission sources. According to their work published in Nature, this novel method directly removes carbon dioxide from flue gas and even the atmosphere by inducing a water and oxygen electrochemical reaction. By transforming...

Data From InSight Suggests Mars has an All-Liquid Core and Internal Mass Anomalies

Comparison between the classical model of rotation of Mars and the one proposed in this study. Temporal evolution of the 30-months solutions for the FCN period (a), the core amplification factor (b), and the precession rate (c), with the classical spin model (orange) and with the model with corrections on the rotation rate for the post-dust-storm period...

A New Method for Managing the Turbulence’s Characteristics

An isolated blob of turbulence is created by the repeated collision of eight vortex rings. (Left) Contained turbulence is illustrated by the breakdown of the blob's energy into the mean flow (yellow) and fluctuating (blue) components. (Right) Inside the chaotic blob, highly erratic tracer particle trajectories are shown. Credit: Matsuzawa et al. According to a...