Search Results - solar

Study Indicates that Mild Cleaners Are just as good at killing viruses as strong soaps

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Reputable researchers from the University of Sheffield have revealed a stunning discovery in a ground-breaking study: mild cleansers are just as good at killing viruses, including the coronavirus, as solid soaps. Healthcare practitioners who often use skin-friendly cleansers to prevent or treat irritating contact dermatitis—a common skin ailment characterized by redness,...

From Fruit Waste To Water-purifying Material

Assistant Professor Edison Ang from Nanyang Technological University, seen on the left, displays samples of both fruit waste and molybdenum carbide. One of his colleagues demonstrates a solar still containing a black sheet made of the aforementioned material. Credit: Nanyang Technological University. Solar stills offer an ingenious and uncomplicated method for purifying contaminated or saline...

Webb Space Telescope Shows Early Universe Crackled With Bursts of Star Formation

The James Webb Space Telescope’s JADES program is providing unprecedented insights into the early universe, discovering hundreds of ancient galaxies, and unveiling complex patterns of star formation. Credit: SCITECHDAILY. Equipped with a sizable mirror and the ability to detect infrared radiation, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is uniquely designed for the investigation of galaxies...

Tsunamis Are Detected in the Atmosphere by NASA Researchers

Tsunami illustration. Credit: dosomething. New Hazard-Monitoring Technology Using GPS Signals to Find Waves in the Pacific Ring of Fire. The GUARDIAN (GNSS Upper Atmospheric Real-time Disaster Information and Alert Network) system was developed by scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Its primary goal is to supplement existing early warning systems by detecting tsunamis and other...

Ocean Cleanup Stops The Flow of the Indonesian River Rubbish

By the conclusion of 2023, a counterpart of the Interceptor Original, as demonstrated in its operational state at Ballona Creek in California, will be dispatched to the Cisadane River in Indonesia. While the Ocean Cleanup is primarily recognized for its use of large garbage collectors in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, it has also taken...

Pterodyamics Expands the Size of Its Impressive Transwing eVTOL with Increased Dihedral

The Pterodynamics Transwing design presents a combination of compactness and stability in its VTOL and hover mode, while boasting an impressively wide wingspan during cruise mode, resulting in remarkable efficiency. A recently released video demonstrates the flight of an intriguing eVTOL aircraft design on a larger scale. The Transwing platform utilizes a distinctive wing system...

A New Type of Hydropower is Becoming Increasingly Popular

Rocky Mountain pumped-storage hydtroele3ctric power plant is owned by Oglethorpe Power Corp. Source - Thomson200. Public Domain Pumped storage hydropower (PSH), a type of hydroelectric energy storage, is rapidly gaining popularity worldwide as a new technology. Unlike the traditional image of hydroelectric power, which is associated with massive dams such as the Hoover Dam or...

A First Real-time Glimpse Into the Growth Habits Of Crystal Nanoparticles

Various materials are composed of crystals. Salt, sugar, snowflakes, and gemstones are some examples of substances that contain crystals, which are characterized by their well-organized, layered structures. Despite the prevalence of crystals in the natural world, much is still unknown about the processes that lead to their formation. Recent advancement in microscopy has helped shed...

The First Lunar Eclipse of 2023 Slightly Darkens the Full Moon

Roof decorations depicting mythical sacred beasts are silhouetted near a penumbral lunar eclipse partially blocked by clouds during the early hours of Saturday, May 6, 2023 in Beijing. Credit: AP Photo/Ng Han Guan Stargazers in Asia and Australia were treated to a spectacular lunar eclipse as the moon slipped into the outer part of Earth's...

The Green Hydrogen Time, as a Renewable Energy Sources

All we are longing for is a less polluted environment. Credit Pexels. Green hydrogen is a form of hydrogen produced using renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar power, rather than fossil fuels. It is considered a promising solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving a more sustainable energy future. Green hydrogen is...