Search Results - solar

Climate Change: ‘Sand Battery’ Can Fix Environment-Friendly Energy’s Significant Problem

The sand battery has been installed and is functioning well according to the power company Finnish scientists have set up the globe's first completely working "sand battery," which can save environment-friendly power for months at once. The designers claim this can resolve the trouble of year-round supply, a significant issue for eco-friendly power. Using low-grade sand, the...

Webb Telescope: NASA to Reveal the Deepest Picture Ever Taken of the Universe

A wonder of engineering, Webb is able to gaze further into the cosmos than any telescope before it thanks to its enormous primary mirror and its instruments that focus on infrared, allowing it peer through dust and gas. NASA administrator Bill Nelson stated Wednesday that the agency will reveal the "inmost picture of our universe...

Comet With 500,000 Miles Long Tail Will Fly by Earth and You Will Be Able to See It

Artist's Impression of a comet passing through our solar system Amateur astronomers may very soon be able to see a comet initially spotted in 2017. Comet C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS), abridged as K2 for brief, was once the most distant active comet ever before pinpointed, a difference it recently ceded to the mega comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein, found out...

Astronomers Find a Multiplanet System Nearby

MIT astronomers have discovered a new multiplanet system that exists just 10 parsecs, or approximately 33 light-years, from Earth, making it one of the closest known multiplanet systems to our own. The star at the system's heart likely hosts at least two terrestrial, Earth-sized planets. Credit: MIT News, with TESS Satellite figure courtesy of...

Potential Alien Sign Coming From an Earth-like Planet

But do not be too thrilled-- the researchers say it might easily just be a misidentified transmission from us humans. Credit: NASA. A group of Chinese and American researchers put their reputation on the line with a bold claim: that, with many caveats, a recently identified narrowband signal could indicate intelligent extraterrestrial life. The uncommon signal-- captured...

The Snow-Capped Alps Are Going Green

A view of Piz Benina. Credit: CGTN. The renowned snow-capped peaks of the Alps are fading quick and being replaced by vegetation cover-- a procedure called "greening" that is predicted to increase climate change, a study said Thursday. The research, released in Science, was based on 38 years of satellite images throughout the entirety of the...

Carbon Capture: A Risky Solution that Shifts Climate Burden to Future Generations

Credit: EWG. As the most current report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) explains, the 2020s have to be a decade of change. This is necessary to attain the goals of the Paris Agreement. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is foreseed to play a vital role to cut carbon emissions. Depending on...

A Strange Rising Radiance in a Remote Galaxy Can Modification the Means We Consider Great Voids

This illustration reveals the accumulation disk, corona (pale, cone-shaped swirls over the disk), and also supermassive great void of energetic galaxy 1ES 1927 +654 before its recent flare-up. Credit: NASA/Sonoma State College, Aurore Simonnet. Something weird is taking place in the galaxy referred to as 1ES 1927 +654: In late 2017, and for reasons that...

Astronomers Discover ‘Gold Standard’ Star in Milky Way

Astronomers find 'gold standard' star in Milky Way. Credit: Carnegie Science There is a relatively bright star in our sun's neighborhood of the Milky Way Galaxy. Inside of it, astronomers have been able to identify the widest variety of elements in a star more than our solar system yet. The research, led by University of Michigan...

Tiny Plastic Particles From the Atmosphere Is Contaminating Planet’s Oceans

Credit: Scitech Daily In a research study, an international group of researchers investigates the atmosphere as a pertinent source of plastic pollution in our globe's waters. According to estimates, by 2040, plastic pollution could get to 80 million metric tons (176 billion pounds) annually. Plastic particles have now been found in virtually all circles of the...