Search Results - solar

Meteorites on Mars

NASA's Mars Rovers Are the leading Meteorite Hunters in the Solar System! Lebanon Meteorite: NASA's Curiosity Mars rover discovered this huge meteorite, called "Lebanon" on July 15th, 2014. It is an iron meteorite about two meters wide. A small piece of the meteorite, called "Lebanon B", can be seen in the foreground. The angular cavities...

A Laboratory Overhead: Physics Experiments in Planet’s Environment Can Assist Enhance GPS Efficiency

A new graphene amplifier has been able to unlock hidden frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum. Credit: Scitech Daily The Earth's atmosphere has been utilized as a 'laboratory' to perform a physics experiment in a research partnership involving the University of Strathclyde, which can help boost the efficiency of GPS. The research study displays a new method...

Discovering the Technology To Create Unbreakable Compound Glass Screens

The University of Queensland has made a groundbreaking advancement in producing composite glass, potentially eliminating the issue of cracked phone screens. However, Led by Dr. Jingwei Hou, Professor Lianzhou Wang, and Professor Vicki Chen, an international team of researchers has developed a method for creating next-generation composite glass for various applications, including LED lighting,...

New Photonic Chip for Isolating Light May Be Key to Miniaturizing Quantum Technology

Our electrical supply depends heavily on high-voltage direct current cables that can efficiently transfer electricity across great distances. Therefore, improving their performance is a significant challenge. Researchers from the Technology University of Chalmers in Sweden have developed a novel insulation material that is up to three times less conductive with the intention of enhancing...

Siemens Power and Bentley Systems Present Asset Efficiency Monitoring Options for Oil & Gas Operators

Bentley Systems, Inc. (Bentley) and Siemens Energy have unveiled a collaborative solution called Assets Performance Management for Oil & Gas (APM4O&G), which utilizes intelligent analytics to reduce operating expenses related to oil and gas assets. This joint solution combines Bentley's advanced asset performance software capabilities (AssetWise) with Siemens Energy's technology and service expertise to...

Meteorite Types and Classification

Iron Meteorite: We are all shown this detail of a polished and etched slice of a a siderite (iron) meteorite found at Brenham Field, Kansas, in 2005 by professional meteorite hunter Steve Arnold. The slice was recorded with a mild nitric acid based solution to reveal a pattern of iron-nickel alloys, taenite and kamacite....

New Carbon-Based Catalyst Created for Effective Photo Driven Carbon Dioxide Cycloaddition

Photo-driven catalytic process based on the Al–N–C catalyst. Credit: NIMTE The team of Professor Chen Liang and Professor Lu Zhiyi's team at the Ningbo Innovation and Product Engineering Institute (NIMTE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) suggested a highly activated carbon-based catalyst that can make direct use of the renewable resources (e.g., solar energy)...

“Smart” Shirt Utilizes Flexible Carbon Nanotube Fibers To Keep Track of the Heart

Rice University graduate student Lauren Taylor shows a shirt with carbon nanotube thread that provides constant monitoring of the wearer’s heart. Credit: Jeff Fitlow/Rice University Rice's flexible carbon nanotube fibers woven into clothes collect precise EKG, heart rate. There is no demand to wear awkward smartwatches or chest straps to monitor your heart if your comfortable...

Chemistry Lab on ExoMars Rover Will Search For Evidence of Life on Mars

An international group of scientists made a tiny chemistry lab for a rover that will drill below the Martian surface, searching for previous or existing life signs. For ExoMars Reconnaissance is a joint venture involving the European Space Agency and the Russian aerospace company Roscosmos. NASA made a significant contribution to MOMA, the laboratory...

Astrophysicists Detect an Exoplanet With the Ability To Form Moons

This image, taken with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), in which ESO is a partner, shows wide (left) and close-up (right) views of the moon-forming disc surrounding PDS 70c, a young Jupiter-like planet nearly 400 light-years away. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)/Benisty et al. New high-resolution observations reveal a Moon-forming area around exoplanet PDS 70c. The...