Search Results - telescope

A Black Hole Spewed Out the Remains of One-Star Years After Consuming it

An artist's impression of the "burping" black hole. Credit: DESY / Science Communication Lab 3 years earlier, in October 2018, astronomers saw a black hole consuming and ripping one star apart in a galaxy 665 million light yrs away from Earth. Currently, just recently, the same astronomers observed the same black hole lighting the sky, despite the...

Hubble Detects a Jet Blasting From a Star Crash at 99.97% the Velocity of Light

his is an artist's impression of two neutron stars colliding. The smashup between two dense stellar remnants unleashes the energy of 1,000 standard stellar nova explosions. In the aftermath of the collision a blowtorch jet of radiation is ejected at nearly the speed of light. The jet is directed along a narrow beam confined...

NASA And SpaceX Explore the Idea of Shifting Hubble to a More Stable Orbit

An astronaut aboard the space shuttle Atlantis captured this image of the Hubble Space Telescope on May 19, 2009. Credits: NASA NASA and SpaceX authorized an unfunded Space Act Agreement Thursday, Sept. 22nd, to study the feasibility of a SpaceX and Polaris Program concept to boost the agency's Hubble Space Telescope into a greater orbit...

X-rays Have Been Spotted From Behind A Black Hole For the First Time Ever

Researchers observed bright flares of X-ray emissions. Image credit: Dan Wilkins Researchers at Stanford University have actually located a strange pattern while seeing the X-rays from the supermassive black hole at the centre of a galaxy 800 million light-yrs away. The black hole, it seems, is spewing out these rays into the universe around it. Dan...

Robotic Motion In Curved Space Defies Common Laws of Physics

Experimental realization of a swimmer on a sphere with actuated motors on a freely rotating boom arm. Credit: Georgia Tech When humans, animals, also machines move throughout the world, they always press against something, whether it is the ground, air, or water. Until currently, physicists thought this to be a constant, following the law of...

Dimethyl Ether Was Discovered in a Planet-forming Disc for the First Time

In a first for astrochemistry, astronomers have discovered dimethyl ether in a planet-forming disc. A precursor of larger organic molecules that can spur life, dimethyl ether is the largest molecule identified yet in a protoplanetary disc-- a rotating cloud of gas, dust, and ice that develops around a recently developing star and ultimately forms...

For the first time, dark matter from twelve billion years ago has been detected.

An artist's illustration of radiation residue from the Big Bang distorted by dark matter 12 billion years ago. For the first time, dark matter from twelve billion years ago has been detected. A group of scientists from Nagoya College in Japan has collaborated to investigate the dark matter surrounding galaxies as they appeared twelve billion years...

James Webb Captures New Images of the Cartwheel Galaxy

Image of the Cartwheel Galaxy and its companion galaxies is a composite from Jame Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). MIRI data is colored red while NIRCam data is colored blue, orange, and yellow.Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI The space telescope's powerful infrared gaze offers a new sight of just how the galaxy...

China Intends to Protect the Earth From Asteroids by Utilizing the Moon

A full moon, known as the "Strawberry Moon" is shown split in half, June 15, 2022. Credit: REUTERS/JOE SKIPPER The brand-new project entails putting three guardian satellites carrying loads of fuel and kinetic weapons into the moon's orbit around the Earth. China's "Planetary Defense System" has been capturing momentum recently, with Beijing researchers now planning to...

A Bizarre Radio Mark From Deep Space Has Been Noticed Beating Like a Heart

The large radio telescope and an illustration of the signal. (CHIME/MIT) A brand-new radio signal from deep space is once again challenging our understanding of these mysterious phenomena. Not only is this brand-new fast radio burst, called FRB 20191221A, another extremely rare repeater, but it is not even that quick: the radio flashes received across intergalactic...