Search Results - telescope

A Stellar Collision Triggers a Supernova Explosion

Fast-moving debris from a supernova explosion triggered by a stellar collision crashes into material thrown out earlier, and the shocks cause bright radio emission seen by the VLA. Credit: Bill Saxton, NRAO/AUI/NSF Astronomers have found remarkable evidence that a black hole or neutron star spiraled its way right into the center of a companion star...

Signs Indicate the Presence of a New Hot Planet Near the Famous Star Vega

Vega is the fifth brightest star, excluding the sun, that can be seen from Earth. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech) A possible searing-hot planet was spotted by astronomers, orbiting Vega, one of the brightest and most known stars in the sky. Approximately the size of Neptune, the candidate alien planet lies very close to Vega, taking 2.5 Earth...