Search Results - telescope

Webb Telescope: NASA to Reveal the Deepest Picture Ever Taken of the Universe

A wonder of engineering, Webb is able to gaze further into the cosmos than any telescope before it thanks to its enormous primary mirror and its instruments that focus on infrared, allowing it peer through dust and gas. NASA administrator Bill Nelson stated Wednesday that the agency will reveal the "inmost picture of our universe...

NASA’s SOFIA Flying Telescope Spots Eclipse of Strange Binary Star

A composite image of the R Aquarii binary star was recorded by NASA's flying telescope SOFIA. Credit: NASA. NASA's flying telescope SOFIA has been watching a dance between 2 celebrities orbiting each other as they come close to the minute of the eclipse, enabling astronomers to study how both exchange stardust. SOFIA, short for "Stratospheric...

NASA Telescope Idea Could Spot Vegetation on Distant Exoplanets

Credit: Slava Turyshev NASA states it could detect "surface features" and even "hints of habitability" on distant planets. NASA is financing research for a conceptual telescope called a "solar gravitational lens" (SGL) that can allow us to observe remote exoplanets at a fantastic resolution-- a futuristic endeavor that might assist discovery at last if we...

This Is The James Webb Space Telescope’s First-Ever Photograph of a Star

Credit: NASA The James Webb Space Telescope has observed its very first star (though it was not exactly tonight)-- and even taken a selfie, NASA revealed Friday. The telescope's first photo The steps belong to the months-long process of aligning the observatory's substantial golden mirror that astronomers hope will start unraveling the secrets of the early Universe...

An Ancient Collision Fractured Ganymede and Caused it to Shift Off its Axis

Ganymede with the impact site approximately in the centerNASA Four billion years ago, an asteroid larger than the one that ended the age of dinosaurs may have struck the largest moon in our solar system, Ganymede, knocking it off its axis and causing it to crack like an egg. Discovered by Galileo in 1610 while experimenting...

A Cosmic Light Show is Expected Next Year as a Black Hole Devours a Star

An artist's impression of a star circling a supermassive black hole, a repeating event that seems to be at the core of AT2018fykNASA/CXC/M. Weiss Astronomers have observed a supermassive black hole consume a star in two phases and have predicted when it might take a third. If it happens, it could create a fascinating cosmic...

Alien Civilizations Might Be Too Advanced For Us To Detect

Artist’s impression of an inhabited exoplanet. (NASA/Jay Freidlander) Given the Milky Way's age and size, we would expect to find intelligent civilizations scattered throughout. But where are they? A recent study suggests these civilizations might be so advanced that we simply can't detect them. Reevaluating the Detection of Extraterrestrial Life If extraterrestrials were observing Earth, they might...

Smart Astro-Camerascope Delivers a Clear View of the Cosmos

The Finder TW2 can capture the cosmos in 48-megapixel photos or 4K video, with AI onboard to help keep things sharpBeaverlab Stargazing can be both complex and costly, but Beaverlab aims to simplify and reduce the expense with the Finder TW2, a user-friendly telescope that claims to be the world’s first AI-powered planetary camera. Beaverlab, known...

Space Radio Signal Repeats Hourly, Defying Explanation

An artist's impression of ASKAP with the two most likely candidates for the repeating radio signal it's foundCarl Knox/OzGrav Astronomers Detect Unusual Hourly Radio Signal from Space Astronomers have detected a highly unusual radio signal from space that repeats every hour, cycling through three distinct states. Despite some hypotheses about its origin, it remains unexplained by...

Earth-Sized Planet Found in Habitable Zone Nearby

Credit: Pixabay In a thrilling advancement for astronomy and the quest for extraterrestrial life, an international team of scientists has revealed the discovery of Gliese 12 b, a temperate, Earth-sized exoplanet located just 40 light-years away, which equates to a relatively close 378 trillion kilometers from Earth. Researchers globally, with significant contributions from McGill University and...