Search Results - telescope

Earth Receives Laser Message from 16 Million Kilometers Away

Psyche Probe's Deep Space Optical Communications Sets Record for Distant Laser Data Transmission. Credit: ProleR/Shutterstock In a groundbreaking achievement, a deep space experiment conducted aboard NASA's Psyche spacecraft has successfully transmitted a laser message to Earth from a location surpassing the Moon's distance for the first time. The achievement by the Deep Space Optical Communications...

ALMA Reveals High-Resolution Structure of Old Star

Credit: Unsplash ALMA, a big telescope, looked at an old star and saw it really well. The star has a ring of gas around it, and some of the gas is moving away into space. Using this powerful telescope in the future will help us understand not only how stars end but also how planets...

Unprecedented Light Show: The Spectacular Arrival of the “BOAT” Gamma-Ray Burst

A visual representation capturing the formidable burst of gamma rays, stemming from an explosion in the remote cosmos, which reached Earth on October 9 of the previous year. Last year witnessed an extraordinary celestial event as Earth encountered the brightest flash of light ever recorded in the night sky, unsettling the upper atmosphere in an...

James Webb’s Carbon Discovery on Europa Bolsters the Case for Potential Life

The case for life on Jupiter's moon Europa just got stronger, thanks to the detection of carbon dioxide on its surfaceNASA The prime locations within our solar system for seeking extraterrestrial life aren't planets such as Mars; rather, they are icy moons like Europa. The evidence supporting the existence of life on this watery celestial...

Webb Unveils Previously Unseen Formations within the Renowned Supernova

Credit: Pixaobay The James Webb Space Telescope from NASA has initiated its examination of the famous supernova, SN 1987A, situated 168,000 light-years distant in the Large Magellanic Cloud. This supernova has been under extensive scrutiny for nearly four decades, spanning from gamma rays to radio waves, since its detection in February 1987. Fresh observations using...

Recently identified Sun “Nanoflares” May Serve as the Origin of Solar Wind

Credit: Pixaobay While outer space lacks traditional air, it experiences a unique form of wind known as solar wind, composed of charged particles emitted by the Sun. The precise process driving this phenomenon remains unclear, but the Solar Orbiter spacecraft from the European Space Agency (ESA) has recently detected hitherto undiscovered "small-scale" eruptions on the...

Discovery of an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) in the Sombrero Galaxy

Credit: Unsplush. A recent analysis of images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has unveiled an intriguing find within the Sombrero Galaxy. Conducted by Elio Quiroga Rodriguez from the Mid Atlantic University in Spain, this discovery sheds light on a previously unnoticed galaxy that harbors an active galactic nucleus (AGN). The findings were detailed...

Recent Image Unveils the Mysteries Surrounding the Formation of Planets

At the center of this image is the young star V960 Mon, located over 5000 light-years away in the constellation Monoceros. Dusty material with potential to form planets surrounds the star. Observations obtained using the Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch (SPHERE - instrument on ESO’s VLT (, represented in yellow in this image, show...

Using Gravitational Waves to Hunt for Dark Matter

Credit: Unsplash. A global team of cosmologists has discovered through computer simulations that observing gravitational waves from merging black holes can reveal the real nature of dark matter. Dr. Alex Jenkins of University College London will co-author their discovery today at the 2023 National Astronomy Meeting. The team studied the production of gravitational wave signals in...

The Oldest Cosmic Web Strands Are Identified by Webb

The configuration of 10 distant galaxies is depicted in this deep galaxy field from Webb's NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) as eight white circles arranged in a diagonal, thread-like line. (Two of the circles have many galaxies in them.) This 3 million light-year-long filament is held in place by a quasar, a galaxy with an active...