Sulfur Injection into Atmosphere, Potential Hazards

As climate indicators worsen, demands for radical technological solutions intensify. Yet, numerous studies consistently reveal that embracing forced geoengineering involves significant perilous consequences.
Fresh research cautions against the potential consequences of injecting sulfate particles into the atmosphere as a means to replicate the cooling effects of volcanic eruptions by reflecting sunlight. If these particles fail to disperse effectively, they could exacerbate warming and lead to even more severe climate irregularities compared to typical greenhouse gas emissions.
In their study, atmospheric scientist Elia Wunderlin and colleagues from ETH Zürich highlight that some adverse outcomes of such injection could rival the impacts of climate change itself in specific regions.
Simulating Sulfate Aerosols in Equatorial Stratosphere
Employing aerosol-chemistry climate models and microphysics principles, the team simulated the behavior of sulfate aerosols if introduced into the stratosphere above equatorial latitudes, previously identified as an ideal location due to prolonged aerosol suspension.
Their findings indicate a decline in cooling efficiency with increased injection amounts. After achieving a new equilibrium approximately two to three years post-injection, the presence of sulfur particles in the atmosphere could potentially lead to a surface cooling of around 1°C.
Nevertheless, significant heating is anticipated in the lower tropical stratosphere due to sulfate absorbing long-wave heat emitted from the Earth’s surface.

Should greenhouse gas emissions persist in their upward trajectory during this period (with no signs of human deceleration), weather patterns in the northern hemisphere are expected to undergo heightened extremity during winter, thereby altering the interaction between the stratosphere and troposphere, two integral atmospheric layers.
“We demonstrate that this heating significantly impacts the meridional temperature gradient within the stratosphere, resulting in alterations to zonal winds, the ozone layer, and the transport of water vapor from the troposphere,” elucidate Wunderlin and colleagues, further noting that these alterations could surpass those induced by uncontrolled greenhouse gas emissions.
Potential Aerosol Shift
Additionally, the augmentation of aerosol concentrations in the stratosphere may prompt a shift in the movement of atmospheric substances, including aerosols, from an annual to a biannual cycle.
The simulations unveiled that augmenting the thickness of the aerosol layer in the stratosphere results in diminished stratospheric winds, prolonging the natural cycling period.
“This highlights the capacity of aerosols to influence their own pathways of transport and duration of residency within the stratosphere,” assert the researchers.
The repercussions of such a shift in the cycling pattern would carry significant implications for weather patterns, potentially escalating the risk of flooding in Europe.
The team proposes exploring alternative aerosols to mitigate some of these issues, such as diamond, which does not absorb heat from the Earth’s surface, or calcite, which does not disrupt the ozone layer.
“Nevertheless, these alternatives may present unforeseen challenges that require thorough investigation,” they advise.
Risks of Forced Geoengineering
Their findings contribute to an expanding body of research emphasizing the hazards associated with forced geoengineering, including the depletion of the ozone layer, alterations in global precipitation patterns, and additional disruptions to ecosystems.
Conversely, one form of geoengineering carries significantly less risk and offers assured benefits: the restoration of native ecosystems. This approach holds immense potential for climate stabilization without introducing extreme uncertainties and risks.
Despite its reliability and safety, this option appears to attract considerably less attention, publicity, and financial support.
Irrespective of future strategies, transitioning away from fossil fuels remains imperative in addressing our climate crisis. However, fossil fuel consumption continues to rise, with corporations receiving public funding reporting record profits.
Read the original article on: Science Alert
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