Tag - ADHD

Misinformation on TikTok is Distorting Young People’s Perception of ADHD

Credit: PixabayAround 1.8 billion people use TikTok monthly, spending an average of 95 minutes per day on the platform for entertainment, engagement, and even education. While these figures are impressive, a new study highlights that TikTok may not be the most trustworthy source for health-related information, especially regarding ADHD.Study Reveals Misinformation in Popular TikTok...

Increased Risk of Toxicity in Children with Autism and ADHD

Bisphenol A molecule. (Selvanegra/Canva Pro)In recent years, diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have significantly risen, prompting ongoing research into the factors contributing to these conditions.Key Findings on BPA Processing in ChildrenA 2023 study highlighted a key difference in how children with autism and ADHD process bisphenol A (BPA),...

Expert Identifies Irregular Brain Wave Patterns as Potential Indicator of ADHD

Credit: PixabayChildren with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are not lazy, undisciplined, or lacking manners. Instead, their brains develop and function differently, marked by unique neurological activity patterns and neurochemical imbalances. These differences classify ADHD as a neurodevelopmental disorder rather than a behavioral issue.The Neurological Basis of ADHDThe neurological variations in ADHD manifest as...

A study Confirms that ADHD Affects Overall Brain Connectivity

Assessing connectivity across the entire brain could help identify likely ADHD developmentDepositphotosAnalyzing neuroimaging data from almost 12,000 participants, researchers have verified the necessity of adopting a comprehensive approach encompassing the entire brain for the diagnosis, research, and treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).Earlier research has concentrated on specific brain regions or networks. However, scientists...