Tag - AI

AI-Driven Discovery of Critical-Element-Free Magnetic Materials

Magnet Material. Credit: Unsplush.A team of scientists from the Ames National Laboratory has unveiled a groundbreaking machine learning model designed to identify critical-element-free permanent magnet materials. This novel model is a predictive tool for assessing the Curie temperature of fresh material combinations, marking a pivotal advancement in the application of artificial intelligence to forecast new...

How AI Can Utilize Classroom Conversations for Predicting Academic Success

Credit: iStockBy embracing e-learning and online classrooms, valuable insights into the success patterns and behaviors of students have emerged. With the assistance of AI, researchers have identified and analyzed these crucial factors.The idea that in-class, off-topic dialog could serve as a substantial indicator of a student's academic success might have been unexpected. However, scientists...

Special Gloves! Playing the Piano with Robotic Touch

Credit: Florida Atlantic University.A special glove has been created to help people who play the piano and have had a stroke. This glove is made of soft materials and uses clever technology to improve the movement of the hand. When someone has a stroke, it can be hard for them to do everyday things...

Hackers Install Malware Instead of Promised AI

Tech titan Meta says it expects hackers and other malicous actors online to begin using generative artificial intelligence to scale up attacks. Credit: W&V.On Wednesday, the social media giant Meta, which is the parent company of popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, warned that hackers exploit the popularity and potential of generative...

Google announces that artificial intelligence (AI) will be integrated into the company’s search engine.

According to Sundar Pichai, Google is now capable of managing various innovative and cooperative scenarios using Bard AI. Credit: https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/info-tech/google-ceo-sundar-pichai-says-ai-will-be-added-to-search-engine/article66716503.eceSundar Pichai, CEO of Google, revealed that the company plans to integrate conversational artificial intelligence (AI) features into its search engine. Pichai further stated that the potential for AI chatbots is now more significant than...

Amazing Scientific Discoveries of 2022

The world of science is everchanging and progressive. Every day a new scientific discovery is made. Here are some of the most relevant this year:Consumption of Microplastics Can Cause Evolutionary ChangesAfter the non-biting midges of the species Chironomus riparius were exposed to microplastics, the genome of subsequent generations changed. Credit: Markus PfenningerIn April 2022,...

The Most Advanced AI-powered Prosthetics ‘Ever Created’

Utah Bionic Leg. Credit: University of UtahScientists from the University of Utah have created the most sophisticated AI-powered prosthetics "ever created," prompting Ottobock, the world's largest prosthetic manufacturer, to team up, launching the project internationally.https://twitter.com/UUtah/status/1578482268091211776?s=20&t=To8VYjrAITT-HDAaByZdxwThe university's Tommaso Lenzi, associate professor at the university's Department of Mechanical Engineering and director of the Bionic Engineering Lab,...

“His company exploits people for money,” Says Meta’s Chatbot.

Mark Zuckerberg. Credit: MetaMeta's new prototype chatbot (BlenderBot 3) has told the BBC that Mark Zuckerberg is exploiting users for money.Meta claims the chatbot makes use of artificial intelligence and can converse about "nearly any topic".While asking about the chatbot's thoughts on the firm's CEO and founder, it responded to the BBC reporter: "our...

AI Shows that the Sahara has Millions of Trees

A Desert Full of LifeSatellite images of the Sahara desert show a dry expanse, the endless rolling dunes we know from movies. Except typical satellite images do not reveal individual trees; however, that doesn't always mean they're not there. Scientists from the University of Copenhagen and NASA trained artificial intelligence to recognize trees and have them take another...

Scientist Advises Caution When Using AI in Mammography

AI making mistakesExamining breast-cancer tumors with artificial intelligence can enhance healthcare efficiency and results. However, specialists must proceed carefully, considering that identical technological jumps previously caused greater false-positive tests rates and over-treatment.That is according to a new article in JAMA Health Forum co-written by Joann G. Elmore, MD, MPH, a scientist at the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Rosalinde...