Tag - Astronomers

Astronomers Find Unusual Slow-Spinning Radio Source That ‘Shouldn’t Exist’

Artist's impression of ASKAP J1839-0756. (James Josephides)At the end of their lifecycles, some of the largest stars explode in massive supernovas, leaving behind dense cores called neutron stars. These remnants can emit strong radio waves from their magnetic poles.As these stars rotate, their radio beams sweep across Earth, creating periodic pulses much like a...

Astronomers Spot Radio Halo in Massive Galaxy Cluster

Archival Chandra image of ACT-CL J0329. Credit: Sikhosana et al., 2024.A global team of astronomers conducted radio observations of the large galaxy cluster ACT-CL J0329.2-2330, uncovering a new radio halo within the cluster. The discovery was detailed in a research paper published on April 5 on the pre-print server arXiv.In fact, radio halos are...

Aged Smokers Astronomers Discover Unknown Star Type

"Astronomers unearth a previously undiscovered celestial entity adrift in the cosmos" is a frequent news topic, yet it never fails to captivate. The most recent discovery introduces a novel category of stars – elderly red giants affectionately dubbed "Old Smokers" by the research team.

Chance Discovery: Astronomers Uncover Dark, Starless Galaxy

In the realm of galaxies, our minds often conjure images of luminous spiral formations teeming with stars and cosmic gases. However, a distinct category known as low-surface-brightness galaxies challenges this conventional perception. These galaxies, characterized by sparse stars and unconventional appearances, typically harbor more dark matter and predominantly consist of gas, with few discernible...

Astronomers Identify Twenty Ultraviolet-Emitting Supernova Remnants in the Andromeda Galaxy

Positions of the 20 SNRs with detected diffuse UV emission (red squares) and of the 5 SNRs with likely, but confused, diffuse emission (blue squares), overlaid on the image of the Andromeda Galaxy in the F148W filter. Credit: Leahy et al, 2023Utilizing the AstroSat satellite, astronomers from the University of Calgary, Canada, have identified...