Tag - Human Evolution

Chimpanzees’ Wild Menopausal Traits Challenge Human Evolution Theories.

A new study offers the first evidence of menopause in a wild non-human primate population. Credit: PixaobayWith the exception of a small number of whale species, menopause is a unique and consistent occurrence found in humans among mammals. Unlike most animals that maintain their reproductive capabilities throughout their lives, humans stand out as a...

Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals Mating Across Groups Led to Human Evolution

Credit: Natural History Museum, construction by the Kennis brothers. Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals Mating Across GroupsHomo Sapiens and Neanderthals Mating Across Groups seem to be a new scientific discovery. Proof that cross-continental Stone Age networking occasions powered human evolution increased in 2021.Homo Sapiens may not have eliminated NeanderthalsA long-lasting argument that Homo sapiens originated...