Tag - Humanoid Robot

Boston Dynamics Unveils a Significant Advancement in Humanoid Robot Mobility

Boston Dynamics shows again that it's at the bleeding edge of smooth humanoid movementBoston DynamicsChinese humanoid robots are advancing rapidly with remarkable agility, but Boston Dynamics remains a pioneer in the field. A new video of its swivel-jointed Atlas robot showcases its ability to run, cartwheel, and even breakdance, reaffirming its position at the...

Watch: The First Humanoid Robot to Do a Front Flip

The PM01 looks like it's ready to fight off mythical creatures in an effort to save the human raceEngineAIZhongqing Robotics (also known as EngineAI), a Chinese robotics company, has recently introduced a humanoid robot that performs a front flip, marking a major milestone in the field of humanoid robotics.The Challenge of Perception and Safety...

Figure Unveils a Redesigned Humanoid Robot with the Sleek New F.02 Model

Figure boasts that its second-generation robot is the "highest performing humanoid robot to market"FigureCalifornia-based robotics company Figure has announced its second-generation humanoid robot. Initially targeting commercial production lines, the company promises that a bipedal butler for home use will be available soon.Figure was established in 2022 by entrepreneur Brett Adcock, known for Vettery and...

Check Out this Video of an Agile Humanoid Robot

The S1's dexterity could make it a great helper in the kitchenAstribotAlthough humanoid robots are becoming increasingly common, the latest model from Astribot stands out for its exceptional speed and precision. Prepare to be amazed!The AI-driven humanoid robot landscape is becoming increasingly crowded, akin to the bustling cereal aisle in your neighborhood supermarket. Last...