Tag - jet fuel

Air France-KLM Includes Biofuel Tax to Plane Tickets

Credit: flight global.Tickets are getting more expensiveAir France-KLM shared Monday that it would include an additional charge of 12 euros ($13,50) to its tickets to counter the expense of using more expensive sustainable aviation fuel.Air France claimed that the fuel fee would be added to tickets from January 10.Passengers in coach will pay around...

Taking the First Steps Towards the Optimal Production of Biofuels

Partial density of states for 2,3-butanediol with accompanying partial charge density images; isosurface of 0.0075 electrons/Bohr3. The gray, red, brown, and pink spheres are Ru, O, C, and H atoms, respectively. Credit: DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.781001From Plants to Jet fuelA long-overlooked first step in producing sustainable aviation fuels will start with the ideal arrangement of molecular...