Tag - Juno

Juno Alters Europa’s Life Prospects

Europa as seen from JunoNASAInformation gathered by NASA's Juno spacecraft orbiting Jupiter indicates that Europa, one of its moons, generates approximately 26 pounds (12 kilograms) of oxygen per second, a significantly lower amount than previously thought. This discovery alters the likelihood of discovering life in Europa's underground ocean.Since the initial Voyager missions that...

Juno Finishes Its Nearest Pass by Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io

Juno provided detailed pictures of Io in the course of the flyby for NASA.NASA's Juno spacecraft had its closest encounter with Jupiter's moon Io in more than two decades on December 30, 2023. The robotic probe approached within 930 miles (1,500 km) of the volcanic moon, capturing detailed images of its south pole.Initiated on...