Tag - Metal

New Heavy Metal Molecule May Unveil Secrets of Nuclear Waste Processes

Since its first synthesis in a post-WWII American lab in 1949, berkelium has stood out on the periodic table, defying quantum mechanics by adopting an extra positive charge that its relatives typically avoid.Now, scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory—berkelium's birthplace—have successfully bonded this elusive element with carbon, creating a rare organometallic complex. This breakthrough...

Wood and Metal Bonded Using Sound and 3D Printing

In Ultrasonic Joining, two materials like wood and metal are joined by heat produced from the friction of sound wavesWolf/TU GrazNew Bonding Techniques Revolutionize ManufacturingManufacturing could undergo a major transformation thanks to two new techniques developed by scientists in Austria to bond materials in an extremely strong way, eliminating the need for environmentally harmful...

Fluid-Like Electricity Flow: Low Quantum Noise in Strange Metal

The electrical current in this substance exhibits characteristics akin to the fluid dynamics of a liquid.Credit: Maxim Studio/ShutterstockResearchers have successfully constructed nanowires featuring a precise 1:2:2 ratio of ytterbium, rhodium, and silicon (YbRh2Si2), revealing an intriguing phase of matter known as the "strange metal." This quantum material defies conventional expectations, particularly regarding the unique behavior exhibited...