Tag - Moon

Fragments of Rock Uncover the Moment the Moon Became Solid

Credit: PixabayThe early history of the Moon remains a topic of scientific investigation. Despite extensive knowledge about Earth's natural satellite, some pieces of its history are still being unraveled.Recent studies of rock samples collected during the Apollo missions have provided new insights, revealing that the Moon solidified approximately 4.43 billion years ago—around the same...

Scientists Confirm: The Pandemic Had No Impact on the Moon

Credit: PixabayCan a pandemic change the Moon’s temperature? A 2024 study suggested global lockdowns reduced Earth’s heat radiation, cooling the Moon. But new research says otherwise.The original idea: As businesses shut down in 2020 and people stayed home, carbon emissions dropped, lowering terrestrial radiation—the heat Earth emits and the Moon absorbs. Scientists noted a...

4 Key Factors to Consider Before Mining the Moon

Artist's concept of a mining base on the Moon. (gremlin/Getty Images)By the end of this decade, nations and private companies could begin mining the Moon surface. As space becomes increasingly accessible, it’s essential to pause and consider what commercial activities should be allowed, especially on the Moon.This is the moment to establish clear rules and...

New Research Reveals the Moon Is Older Than Previously Believed

Credit: PixabayRecent research from scientists in the U.S., France, and Germany suggests the Moon formed as early as 4.53 billion years ago—hundreds of millions of years earlier than previously thought. This new timeline could explain lunar mysteries like the scarcity of massive impact basins and the Moon's lower metal content compared to Earth, while...

NASA’s Moon Return Missions Face Further Delays

The Artemis program is meant to establish a permanent human presence on the MoonNASAThe Artemis II and III missions, which aim to return U.S. astronauts to the Moon, have been delayed once again. At a press briefing, NASA officials revealed that issues with the heat shield and life support systems would push back the...

The Spacesuit that Chinese Astronauts Will use on the Moon

China's new space suit takes to the stageXinhua/Wang QuanchaoChina aims to send astronauts to the Moon by around 2030 and recently showcased the new spacesuits they’ll be using. During a media event, the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) demonstrated the suits with two astronauts testing them out for the cameras.Based on current plans, the...

NASA is Moving Forward with Plans to Establish a Time Zone on the Moon

Credit: PixabayFortunately, NASA is advancing plans to implement a standardized time zone on the Moon. The proposed Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC) would help schedule missions and explorations, making future efforts to establish a permanent base on the lunar surface somewhat easier.While the concept has been previously discussed, NASA has announced plans to collaborate with...

Wall-Building Robot Considered for Constructing Blast Shields on the Moon

A rendering of a wall-building robot constructing a blast shield ring on the MoonPhoto credit to NASA, processing/scanning credit to Kipp Teague and NASA Johnson (image AS17-141–21610), editedLiving on the Moon means that rockets will be your sole mode of transportation to Earth or Mars. However, each launch will create a storm of debris....

It’s Official: Researchers Finally Verified What Is Inside the Moon

An illustration of a full moon in the night sky.The decision is in, then. After all, the Moon is not composed of green cheese.According to a detailed analysis released in May 2023, the Moon's inner core is a solid ball with a density akin to iron. Resolving this long-running controversy – is it solid...