Tag - Moon

The US makes a Tense Return to the Moon after Fifty Years

Artist's concept fo Odysseus on the MoonIntuitive MachinesThe US has made a comeback to the Moon after more than 50 years. At 6:24 pm EST, the robotic Odysseus landed autonomously on the lunar surface, followed by a tense 13-minute wait as radio communications were established with mission control.The landing of the IM-1 mission today...

The US Could Land on the Moon Tomorrow After Four Decades

Intuitive Machines' lander captured this stunning view of Earth en route to the Moon. Credit: Intuitive MachinesIntuitive Machines stands on the cusp of a historic milestone. It aims to become the first private company to achieve a soft landing on the Moon, marking a pivotal moment in space exploration. The endeavor, slated for tomorrow,...

Newly Discovered Moon Mineral Unveiled by Chinese Mission

Credit: Unsplash / Nicolas Thomas.In December 2020, the Chang'e-5 mission embarked on an extraordinary journey to the Moon, marking a milestone in lunar exploration. Its mission is to land, collect, and return rocks to Earth. This endeavor marked the first collection of lunar material in 45 years, offering a treasure trove of insights into...

Japan to Achieve Historic Moon Landing, Becoming Fifth Nation Ever

Illustration of the Moon-landed SLIM probe. Credit: JAXTomorrow marks a pivotal moment for the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) as it endeavors to achieve a groundbreaking feat in space exploration. The agency is set to launch its Smart Lander for Investigating Moon, or SLIM, on a mission to land on the Moon successfully. If...

NASA Delays Human Moon Landings To 2026 and Lunar Orbit Plans To 2025

The depicted crew is not slated to complete a lunar orbit until at least September 2025, and the earliest prospect for human lunar landing won't materialize until the subsequent year. Credit: NASA/Kim ShiflettNASA has officially confirmed a postponement in the schedule for human Moon landings and lunar orbit missions, with no expected landings until...

Historic Launch: First U.S. Lunar Lander in Over 50 Years Sets Course for the Moon

In this footage captured from NASA's video, the Vulcan rocket from United Launch Alliance, carrying Astrobotic Technology's lander, takes off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida on Monday, January 8, 2024. This marked the launch of the first U.S. lunar lander in over 50 years, initiating a competitive space race among private...

Lunar Exploration in 2024: A Pivotal Year for Human and Robotic Missions

While the prospect of humans landing on the Moon this year appears doubtful, there remains a wealth of exploration on the horizon. Credit: Unsplash.The anticipation for a "Return to the Moon" has reached a climax, and 2024 emerges as a key year in lunar exploration. While some focus on the symbolic significance of humans...

The Moon’s Rocket-Created Craters have Been Resolved

The far side of the Moon as seen by China's Chang'e 5-T1 missionChinese National Space Agency/Chinese Academy of SciencesThe origin of a set of craters on the far side of the Moon has been clarified by a recent study from the University of Arizona, establishing that the probable cause was a discarded rocket booster...

An Enigmatic Unseen Influence Is Producing Water on the Moon.

Credit: PixaobayWhile we are aware of the existence of lunar ice, its origin remains somewhat uncertain. A recent investigation proposes that streams of electrons, which indirectly originate from both Earth and the Sun, are playing a role in the creation of frozen water on the Moon's surface.These electrons impact the Moon when it traverses...

Granite Discovery Indicates Moon is More Similar to Earth Than We Believed

Credit: unplahBy utilizing microwave instruments to examine the depths of the Moon's far side, scientists have identified a significant subsurface granite formation referred to as a "hotspot." This discovery implies that the Moon possesses greater similarities to Earth than what was previously assumed.Granite formations are typically found on Earth as a result of the...