Tag - Planets

Kepler Discovers a New System of 7 Planets

Seven Sweltering Worlds - A Glimpse of the Kepler-385 System. Credit: NASA/Daniel RutterNASA's Kepler missions have concluded, but astronomers persist in refining their data, leading to remarkable discoveries in exoplanets. Among these findings is identifying the hottest seven-planet system, facilitated by meticulous data analysis.A Fiery Star at the Center: Kepler-385At the heart of this...

Did life Exist on Mars or other Planets? AI could Reveal Soon

Credit: PixaobayResearchers have unearthed a straightforward and dependable method for detecting indications of past or present life on planets, a breakthrough often referred to as the ultimate goal of astrobiology.In the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team of seven researchers has reported a groundbreaking development. Their artificial intelligence-based approach has shown...