Tag - Plant Growth

For Improved Plant Growth, Simply Incorporate Ground Glass

Cilantro seedlings grown in a medium consisting of 100% recycled glass particlesAndrea QuezadaGlass-fragment waste usually ends up in landfills, but that might not always be necessary. A recent study suggests that mixing ground glass particles with soil can create a plant growth medium that outperforms soil on its own.While larger glass items can be...

eSoil Boosts Plant Growth with Electrical Pulses to the Roots

Assoc. Prof. Eleni Stavrinidou (left) and PhD student Alexandra Sandéhn connect the eSoil to a low-power electrical source for stimulating plant growthThor BalkhedHydroponic farms enable the cultivation of numerous crop plants in a limited space, but their superiority to traditional farms hinges on faster plant growth. This potential may soon be realized through the...