Tag - Researchers

Researchers Uncover New Deep-Sea Predator, Dubbed Darkness

Dulcibella camanchaca, a newly identified amphipod from the Atacama Trench. (Johanna Weston/WHOI)Earth’s oceanic trenches, plunging as deep as 11 kilometers (6.8 miles), remain one of the planet’s most mysterious realms. Their pitch-black waters endure crushing pressures of up to 1,088 atmospheres (16,000 pounds per square inch), yet life somehow thrives in these extreme environments. Despite...

Researchers Uncover a Novel and Peculiar Pype of Magnetism

Scientists have discovered a strange new form of magnetismDepositphotosResearchers from ETH Zurich have identified a previously unseen type of magnetism. Experiments reveal that an artificially created material exhibits magnetism through a mechanism not observed before.The widely recognized form of magnetism, known as ferromagnetism (the type that causes items to stick to your fridge), occurs...