Tag - Sensor

Sensor Prevents Nighttime Scratching Without Disrupting Sleep

The ADAM sensor uses haptic feedback to indicate when scratching is taking place Sibel HealthA new device aims to help individuals with chronic itching avoid scratching their skin during sleep, without disturbing their rest. Scratching can exacerbate dermatitis, and this innovative sensor seeks to address the issue.Key Components of the ADAM SensorDeveloped by Chicago-based Sibel...

Tiny Photonic Chip Provides a Big Boost in Precision Optics

A 2 mm by 2 mm integrated photonic chip developed by Jaime Cardenas, assistant professor of optics, and PhD student Meiting Song (lead author) will make interferometers—and therefore precision optics—even more powerful. Potential applications include more sensitive devices for measuring tiny flaws on mirrors, or dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere, and ultimately, quantum...